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1460 Mar 22

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  • Tennessee - The Butler Act of 1925
    • Specifically forbade public schools teaching Charles Darwin
    • However, act contradicted law that required teachers to teach district approved curriculums
    • Science teacher in Tennessee
  • ACLU
    • Get involved with First Amendment issues
    • Pushed to get involved with Tennessee issues;
    • ACLU would pay for any science teacher in Tennessee to break Butler Act;
      • ACLU would compensate properly
    • John Scopes
  • Hearst Castle
    • Created by William Randolph
  • John Scopes
    • Beloved football coach; substitute teacher
    • Proposed to break the Butler Act; accepts opportunity
    • Teaches Charles Darwin, theory of evolution
    • Arrested; bail $500; quickly payed by owner of newspaper Baltimore Sun
    • HL Menkin
      • Influential columnist
      • Wise person of baltimore
    • Clarence Darrow
      • Best attorney in entire country
    • William Jennings Bryan
      • Former presidential candidate; evangelist
  • Scopes Monkey Trial Case
    • Judge only allowed prosecution to call witnesses
    • Did not allow defense to talk
    • Miscarriage of justice
    • No real defense allowed
    • Guilty of Butler Act
    • Already appealed to Tennessee Supreme Court
    • State Supreme court refused to see hear the case
    • Federal Supreme Courts would not hear the case
  • HL Menkin
    • Rips William Jennigs Bryan
    • Dubbed scopes monkey trial
    • Bryant unable to be modern, unable to evolve, cannot see modern world
    • Bryan is dubbed as the monkey
    • News medias start ripping the trial
      • Judge “Hot for Genesis”
      • New York Times ripped it
    • People of Dayton were called Brian’s Morons
  • Life Magazine - number 1 publication in America
    • Says Dayton just traditionally minded, they can’t keep up for the times;
      • We should feel sorry for them
    • Give Bryan the brass medal of fourth class
    • Bryan dies shortly after
  • Urban vs Rural 20s and 30s
    • New technologies emerging in cities
      • Plumbing, hot and cold water,
    • Culture differences due to technology
    • North vs South battle all over again due to these differences
    • South
      • Believe that city life is alienating
      • Want to stand up for their traditions
      • Southerners know their neighbors
      • Permeating w/ nostalgia; good ol days
      • South always looking backwards
  • Lost Generation
    • After WW1 hated America
    • Left and lived elsewhere
    • Country was not country they grew up in
    • Felt alienated
    • Some of the southerners appealed to these people; ask them to come to the south
  • Stock Market Crash 1929 1930s
    • Problem was banks had become involved in loaning money to people speculating in stock market
    • People began questioning American way of life; maybe communists were right
    • 1932
      • 25% national unemployment
    • 1930s
      • People go back to religion
      • OR the depression validates Karl Marx;
    • America’s problem took rest of world with it
  • WW2
    • Bloodshed and revenge
    • Nazis are pure evil hellspawn
    • Therefore; we are working as religious patriot
    • “We are doing God’s work on the planet
    • Separation of Church and state is not possible when considering American dream
    • “Under God” was added after World War 2
  • 1949
    • America’s duty to God and Godly country
    • God ad capitalist
    • Godless communists
    • Soviet Union - Stalin taking over eastern half of europe
    • Joe One test
      • Testing of nuclear weapons
      • Soviet Union got nuclear bomb
      • Spies
    • Nuclear spies
      • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg spied on Manhattan Project and gave to Soviet
  • 1949-1950
    • America’s second big anti-communist Witch Hunt; Second Great Red Scare
    • Hunting of spies
    • Targeting of people in entertainment industry
      • Hollywood is going to walk the capitalist line
    • Lucille Ball
      • Labeled herself as communist in her voter registration card; during great depression
      • Jay Edgar Hoover
        • Favorite show as I Love Lucy
        • Decided Lucille Ball is not a communist
    • Religion was your American duty
      • White anglo-saxon protestant religion is way to go
    • 1945; post Holocaust Jews were accepted
    • Judeo Christian Tradition
      • Ideal prototypical americans
      • Catholics, protestants, jews more or less see things the same way
  • Vietnam
    • Immigration Act of 1965
    • Anti asian immigration on books; this act gets rid of it all
    • Allows vietnamese and people in asia to come into America
    • Allows more religion to enter; muslims, hindus, buddhists
  • Switching of religions occur
  • The Beatles
    • Got involved in looking at Eastern Religions
    • John Lennon big anti war
    • Met with a Guru; studied with a couple different; Lennon and George Harrison convert
    • Harrison becomes hindu
    • Beatles influenced many to get into Eastern Religions


And we've been talking about the backlash against the Progressive Movement and the rise of people who are religious feeling like their way of life is being put under a cat if they have to protect it people are starting to ignore prohibition and doing things that are really getting to people who are hard workers to really put massive amounts of effort into getting these things legislated and that just makes them grind their teeth former progressives Social Gospel members are ultimately behind a move that we would consider Christian fundamentalism which is again taking your religious and moral views and legislating them okay getting that past is legislation this could be a good example of that and it was a law that was passed in the state of Tennessee called The Butler Act of 1925 the butler act specifically forbade Public Schools from teaching Charles Darwin's theory of evolution as a matter of fact the exact wording is that any curriculum or anything that tended to contradict the biblical view of the world was illegal to teach in school now what does that sound like to you maybe a violation of the First Amendment yeah it is in a big way however here's something to keep in mind the Supreme Court is made up a majority of Southerners five out of the nine justices are southern and all of the nine justices are religious so keep that in mind but there was more at play than just trying to legislate morality which they were trying to do the butler act also contradicted another Act that was already on the books there was a law in the state of Tennessee that required all public school teachers to teach the approved District curriculums that were assigned so whether or not they wanted to teach a particular book they had to teach that book they were required by law to do so the approved curriculum included a textbook for science that had an entire chapter on Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution one law is requiring them to teach it the other laws forbidding them from teaching them so they're between a rock and a hard place this is a real problem for them now there's a science teacher in the town of Dayton Tennessee who really is disturbed by this it's not that he isn't religious he is and it's not that he doesn't hold to these larger ideals that everybody else does and is afraid that religion is under attack but at the same time he sees that the suppression of science is not a good direction for people in a free country to go about he does not like this direction the science teacher is like well a lot of science teachers that you probably had along the years right he's maybe not the most personal guy he's not unpleasant he's happy he tries to get his students involved to get the fired up about it but at the same time none of the other teachers are really asking hey what are you doing this weekend you want to hook up and and go play some ball or something you know nobody's like really engaging and he's afraid that if he actually were to try to teach this that he could play what's more the American civil liberties Union has gotten into this the ACLU the aclu's primary job as they have set out is to defend the First Amendment so anytime the first amendment is infringed upon by any law that they see needs to be addressed they go after it they try to get it into the courts so that it can be argued so that it can go up in front of judicial challenge and the ACLU is being pushed also by another very very powerful influential group of people in America publishers newspaper people when you're talking about people in newspapers I mean by Today's Energy though well newspapers you know what's what's the big deal I mean who who really control they're actually owned by someone you guys ever hear of Hearst Castle Hearst Castle is this giant massive estate that was created by newspaper Mogul William Randolph Hearst it's up on the coast of California and it's a few months it's what maybe three or four hours from here something like that up in San Simeon if you ever get the chance to go through it by the way take the tour oh my God but he didn't make that out of chump change that guy was one of the richest people in America as are a lot of the Publishers and so this is a very very powerful group of people who are also really concerned anytime somebody is violating the First Amendment because if they're willing to violate freedom of religion or the exercise thereof they might also start in on the Press limiting what they can publish and they hold freedom of the press very seriously they don't want people messing with that so any challenge for the First Amendment they go after they are pushing the ACLU to do something about this and the ACLU takes up the challenge they say we will take care of everything if there's a science teacher out there who is willing to deliberately break the butler Act break the law so that it can be heard in courts and the ACLU will pay any fines they will pay for all of your legal fees you don't have to pay anything out of pocket and if you lose any work time they will compensate you for any lost wages so they're willing to help you out if you're willing to help them out this science teacher is saying boy I really wish I could do this but I'm afraid I'll get fired if I do this a man named John Scopes is the high school football coach and just as it is today football in the south is a religion of its own and of all the people who are very important to people in the south a winning football coach is a very popular guy and John Scopes teams win he's a good coach but he also happens to be the go to substitute teacher anytime somebody in Dayton calls in sick and so the science teacher approaches him and says hey John I got a problem here I'm really concerned about this and I'd love to break the butler act but I'm afraid they're going to fire me if I do that and I'm required to teach it by law also because it's the curriculum I don't know what to do if I were to call in sick and you were to do this they would be willing to back you up with any kind of legal defense fees or anything else but I know they won't fire you you're the football coach and everybody loves you and he was he was one of those sender of the party gregarious kind of people you know he's he's so many of the people like very applicable on the designated day he calls up sick okay everyone today I want you to open to page blah blah blah we're going to talk about Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution and at that point if you were one of the students in that classroom your eyes probably just went wait a minute the entire class talking about the theory of evolution Journey Down to the Galapagos Islands and all of that he taught the whole the whole chapter afterwards he gets arrested for violating the butler act which was planned everybody knew it was coming and when it comes down to it and the kids are going well shoot we like Mr skills we don't want to say anything bad about it and he says kids if any of you were called up and asked about things I want you to be 100% open and honest about everything don't try to cover for me okay if they ask whether I taught Charles Darwin's theory of evolution you say yes I spent the whole class talking about it be perfectly honest and over don't feel like you're doing something again he was arrested very shortly whether it was that day or the following morning or something like that he may have spent the night in jail I don't remember but he comes up before a judge in his bail is set at $500 now back then 500 bucks is a lot of money and yet as soon as it was done it was paid by the time he was out of the courtroom that quick it was paid by the owner of the Baltimore Sun newspaper the publisher of the newspaper himself paid it now to give you an idea of the significance of that paper where's Baltimore Maryland does anybody know what Baltimore is close to it's about 45 minutes by car away from a particular place it's very important DC in other words Baltimore Sun newspaper is the paper that a lot of the people in DC wake up and read over their morning coffee this is a very influential newspaper and it also has one of the most influential columnist in the entire country writing for it HL Menken mankin is known as the sage of Baltimore the sage the wise person of Baltimore and he has a certain way of creating I don't know sort of feelings and images by his language that are very witty and very unique and he will do so here with this case too the ACLU is ready to go and they've already got a defense attorney lined up ready for John Scopes none other than Clarence Darrow Clarence Darrow is the best defense attorney in the entire country they are just bringing out the big guns they're bringing out the A-bomb okay this guy is as good as a cats they are leaving nothing to chance as a matter of fact the people in Dayton Tennessee are going we're now the focus of everybody and everybody's watching this and now we got the biggest defense lawyer coming in the prosecutor saying there's no way I can win against him I mean I'm not a bad attorney but that guy's Barrel we got to bring somebody in who can really go head-to-head with him we got to bring in a special prosecutor so they do they turn to former presidential candidate evangelist silver right you guys remember the free silver movement right gold standard trying to get silver back in William Jennings Bryan they turned to him now he hasn't been in a courtroom in over 30 years but he does still have his license to practice and they talked to him and say look not only are you a lawyer but you have the same values that we do when it comes to this and we're hoping that you will be the special prosecutor for this case so now you have a standoff between arguably the most famous evangelist in the country who is the prosecuting attorney and the most powerful influential and successful defense attorney in the country the journalists Across America are all poise ready to start writing they know that this trial is going to be sensational and it's going to sell a lot of papers too so the thing I should tell you about this case it was botched horribly start to finish top to bottom and side to side 100% screwed up and the reason it was screwed up is because of the judge the judge only allowed the prosecution to call witnesses it did not allow for witnesses to be called by the defense talk about a miscarriage of Justice if there ever was one as a matter of fact there was only one witness the judge allowed to be called by Clarence Darrow and that was when he called William Jennings Bryan himself to the stand he put Brian on the stand and then he drilled him for hours and William Jennings Brian could not answer directly to anything because he knew any answer that he gave of any real substance would tend to implicate his cause so he just spent the whole time he was on the stand deflect deflect deflect deflect deflect that's all he was doing the whole time deflecting the jury knew it was going on but at the same time they hadn't been allowed to hear any Witnesses for the defense so essentially there had been no real defense guilty he was guilty of violating the butler act they heard nothing counter to that no contrary idea to that so that's what they gave her and which point the judge said okay the finest said at $100 next case $100 fine before the ink was even dry they already have the appeal file with the state of Tennessee Supreme Court the state of Tennessee Supreme Court refused to hear the case on a point by Point basis they said we don't see anything wrong with what the judge did with what the prosecution did we don't think there was a miscarriage of Justice though they're clearly was everything looks fine to us except for one little thing they said procedurally the jury should have set the fine instead of the judge and therefore the $100 fine was set aside Scopes didn't have to pay the fine so basically now he's guilty of the law but he doesn't have to pay a penalty for it he's just been put through all of this the appeal is made to the Supreme Court of the United States the justices wouldn't hear the case and as soon as it came out that the justices won't hear the case all hell breaks loose okay as this trial is proceeding different journalists are writing about it along the way and HL Menken was the most visible of these it is he that dubbed the Scopes trial to be the Scopes Monkey Trial this is the monkey truck now why did they call it the Monkey Trial okay yeah it's it's a play on Darwin you know monkeys evolving to humans okay but making being who he is that wasn't the only reason he starts referring to William Jennings Brian throughout all of his comments as a buffoon and he uses it repeatedly you are hearing so the real Monkey Trial is not about Charles Darwin it's about the circus in this courtroom and the person who is really the unevolved monkey is who William Jennings Bryan basically it was him saying Brian is stuck in the past he has no ability to evolve with the times he is not modern he is not up to Modern progress and science he wants to hold to his own little view of the world and he's unwilling to even consider reality that's the implication Brian becomes the unevolved baboon he's the monkey others will pick up the name and pretty soon everybody's calling it The Monkey try or the Scopes Monkey Trial before long others are writing about how slanted the judge and Jerry were how they were unanimously hot for Genesis and then the number two publication in America jumped into the discussion the number two publication of the time was Time Magazine Time Magazine finally got into it as well and when they did Time Magazine ridiculed the trial from front to back as a crusade and a circus religious crusade in the circus it was a spectacle that they put on it was a show but it was also in pursuit of this religious cause to Ram it down everybody else's throat that was the position they took and then following all of this oh and by the way they referred to the people of Dayton Tennessee as being Brian's moron followers and yes they used the word moron and the equated them with the Pied Piper of Hamlin's story you guys have you ever heard of this how a town had a rat problem and the Pied Piper was paid to come in and get rid of the rats and he started playing on his flute and he let all the rats out to the cliff and they all jumped overboard because he was playing his his flute okay so essentially they're calling the people more or less idiot Lemmings we'll just walk off the edge of the cliff because Brian wants them too the people of Tennessee are now under direct attack there's already enough division between the country and I'll go into this minute but now they're really feeling injured and they're feeling like they've been backed into a corner everybody's attacking him and they're kind of going what's going on here and then Life Magazine gets into it Life Magazine is the number one publication in America Life Magazine does not go after the people of Dayton at least not aggressively like others instead it says well they're just traditionally minded and they don't keep up with the times it's not really their fault and we should actually feel sorry for them feeling sorry for someone sometimes is even worse than attacking them directly penny can be insulting but more than that they then go after William Jennings Bryan like magazine awards William Jennings Bryan the brass medal of fourth class does that sound like brass medical and here's a direct quote successfully demonstrated by the Alchemy of ignorance notice they're playing on the whole using a fake science to create a transmutation from one substance to another Alchemy is a long debunked field the Alchemy of ignorance that hot air may be transmuted into gold and they're also playing on the whole silver right thing the cross of gold speech that he gave and all that William Jennings Bryan died just a few days after this article team he did not live long after this what was this about what was the Scopes trial and all of the controversy about science versus religion that was certainly part of it that's been something that's been going on since the rise of really the Renaissance science versus religion religious versus secular Where's the Line they were definitely blurring in Tennessee is are we living in a place where separation of church and state exists well clearly it is in existing here where's that lines so the battle against religion versus secular but also is another key battle to keep in mind the divide in America over Urban versus rural now why is this significant at no time in American history was urban and rural more divided in America than in the 20s and 30s why think about the new technologies that are emerging in the cities by the 1920s electricity is now in suburbs around cities they have indoor plumbing where you have hot and cold water faucets you have flush toilets you have all of these modern conveniences and electric appliances your home is more modern you're living on The Cutting Edge of progress whereas the people on farms still go to bathroom in the Outhouse out back when they have a bath which they might have every once twice a month they have to haul the water in that they get themselves from either a pump or from the river and then put it in pots and heat it up over a fire and babe that way they don't like their house with electric lights they light it with oil lamps candles in other words technologically while they might only be 20 years behind the cities they might as well be a hundred and twenty years behind the cities they're still living with 1800s technology even 1700s technology they are not living in the present as far as people in the city are concerned they're stuck in the past there's a Time Warp that's happened some people are at the Forefront of it and some people got left behind and this difference is huge in America now is there a divide in America today Urban versus rural what do you think yes no kind of I see some people going yeah okay a little bit yeah there's a divide I'll tell you what you go spend a week in New York City go see the sites and then go to how about summer and Kansas and spend a week there and you'll see a big difference between the two there is a divide between urban and rural there is a divide between the culture of the city and the culture of small town America they are different there's a different field there's a different mindset there's a different approach to life so that divide does still exist but people in the country today have electricity they have indoor plumbing they have hot and cold running water they have flush toilets they're still modern they might be rural but they're modern back then they weren't that divide was an enormous Gap and it cannot be underestimated it was huge now keep in mind most of the areas that are really being affected by this which means it's in the south okay the South lost the Civil War and they are still gnawing over this 70 years later they're still complaining about the war of Northern aggression and how they want to get back the way things were still going over that over and over and you know what you give us some places in the South they still are still a lot of people would love to go back and undo a lot of the stuff around the Civil War they still call it the war of Northern aggression down her story so because this is in the South it becomes a North versus South battle all over again a lot of Southerners felt like it was almost like the Civil War had been launched again in the north was invading him all over again they just wanted to protect their way of life but they did it by violating the first amendment in the process and the courts refused to hold them accountable for northerners said this is a travesty of our system it is un-American because this miscarriage of Justice his leading to the wrong paths for our country the southerners are saying hey we see the way life is up north we see the way life is in the city city life is alienating to people and we'll stand up for our traditions we take care of our communities people live with their neighbors and their neighbors know them and they know their neighbors there's a community they're part of in the city you're a person who is an island in the middle of the ocean are they right absolutely you go live in some place like New York surrounded by 10 million people how many of them do you actually know your next door neighbor Maybe maybe not even then you have your own little circle of friends and that's about it so it is alienating they're right there are some things about cities that are isolating and alienating for people communities have a whole lot harder time building up in an urban environment than they do in a rural environment where everybody knows everybody else so yeah they're right one thing that really characterizes the southern reaction is throughout all of it it is permeating with nostalgia looking back to the good old days everything was better in the past in the south is always looking backwards do they still do that to an extent a lot of people do although a lot of people do look forward now but it took a long time for the South to come around to that and some people still haven't some people are still looking back and saying man we need to get back to the way things were going on this frustration wanting something better in the past but also you notice that the past always has seen through an ideal lens when people talk about the good old days they don't really talk about the bad things everything is through rose-colored glasses Romanticism yes it is a romantic view of the past and if you want to put a point on it during this period of time the cities have embraced the realism movement modernism progress that kind of thing whereas the countryside is still in that Romantic Period so that's that's a very viable observation yes it is Romance they have a romanticized ideal of their own Society but they don't always see the flaws in it many of their arguments actually are shared with the group of people after World War one who became very discontent with America this group of people by this point has gotten a label they are called The Lost Generation who after World War I looked around American said I hate this place I'm getting out of here and they went to live elsewhere they picked up and left they felt disillusion they felt like country was no longer the country they grew up in they felt like progress was not a good thing it was a bad thing they were being alienated isolated they didn't feel like they had a community and so a lot of the same arguments that the south is using during this time in reaction to all the abuse that taken shares a lot of the common criticisms of society that The Lost Generation are also pointing to and they're right there are things in the country that are screwed up they have a legitimate reason to be concerned about so the south is able to really get hooks into those saying hey you come live in our town for a while and see just how good things can be yeah we don't have some of the modern fancy things that you do we have people who care about each other to take care of each other we're there for one another in our communities what do you have and that's basically how they approach it the 1930s will make a big wake-up call for America why what happened in the 30s anyone yeah the depression good yes 1929 the stock market crashed and don't let me tell you that that is what started the great Great Depression it isn't the market has crashed worse than that one since then the 1987 crash was our worst nearly twice as bad as the 29 crash did you hear about a depression in 1987 no reason being there wasn't one the problem with the 1929 crash is it the banks had become involved because they were loaning money to people who were speculating in the stock market in other words people were gambling with borrowed money and when you gamble with borrowed money in a casino that can make you lose it all overnight if it goes to the wrong direction ouch means you can't pay back your bookie said hey I don't got it what happens when that happens across the board the banks go looking for their money back and the people can't repay their debts so the banks are failing that's why the failure of the banking system and when it took a tank when it started going down people began questioning the American way of life saying maybe the Communists were right maybe capitalism is due I mean things were good in the twenties but boy it's your turn around and it's not getting better one year leads to another and it's worse and it leads to another and it's worse by 1932 they bounce off the bottom they hit so low 25% national unemployment yikes that is vicious and the economy doesn't show signs of getting better sure Roosevelt will come out with the New Deal in 1933 and things will slightly give people more hope but the economy still is sluggish not recovering well here's one of those old adages whenever times or bad what happens religiously people find their way back to religion the 1930s are an interesting time because that does happen on a big scale lots of people say you know what I need to get back to my religious roots and they'll start turning to God for answers however a lot of people are going to go the other way and they're going to say the depression just proves what Karl Marx has been saying there is no God what else do you get with people getting back into religion you also get the rise of atheism yet people rejecting the whole concept of religion completely and a lot of people start becoming very interested in communism why the Great Depression was great not because it just affected America worse than it ever has it was great because it's spanned most of the globe America's problem took the rest of the world with it that's how influential our economy was at that point you really want to see how influential a nation's economy is what's that Nation have a complete meltdown in their economic system and see what happens to the rest of the world the rest of the world doesn't even notice your country isn't that important if it sinks the entire world economy you know something's wrong and that's ultimately what happened let it not be said that we didn't learn World War II we learned how to do propaganda for real we learned how to motivate people and so the war with Germany was turned into a religious Crusade Hitler and the German Nazis are the forces of evil they are the spawns of hell and it is our job as a good Godly country to go out and smite the forces of hell and Kill Them All for God America mom apple pie Uncle Sam do your part stay focused on the world for Germans now the message instead of portraying them as evil monsters from hell portrayed typically as rodents now if you have a rodent problem in your house what do you call an exterminator they focused on the Revenge edge with them people were angry with Japan because they bombed Pearl Harbor and they wanted payback and so they started characterizing the Japanese as little more than rodents that we need to go forth and exterminate so on one hand we are decrying the evil of Hitler and on the other we're getting bloodthirsty ourselves but both of them are done within the context of being people who are fighting God's work doing God's job here on the planet and so World War I become very religious to the point where being religious and being a patriot for the same thing you couldn't have one without the other during World War II people started going to church regularly even if you were one of those people who was slacking off not during World War II you start going to church every Sunday or if you're Jewish every Saturday you go all the time and there was a saying in World War II among soldiers there are no atheists in foxholes what does that mean no atheists who don't know what a box hole is when a soldier is on the battlefield and there's nothing to shelter them from anything they dig a hole in the ground that where they can get their head below ground level and the reason for that is because when artillery or grenades or anything that explodes comes over if you are below the level of that and it explodes the shards are going to go over your head the only way you die in an artillery barrage if you are in your Foxhole and it's made properly is if it lands on you in your home the lens in your hole you're screwed but anywhere else you have a good chance of surviving but the whole time those artillery shells are blowing up around you you are scared quite literally if you are not soiling Yourself by the end of it I would be very surprised it is a horrible experience and being in that situation what are you doing the whole time there is a God please give me through this that sort of God that's what you're doing that's what it means when they say there are no atheists not believing in God you're still going to be praying in the Foxhole it's kind of like what do you do when the planes going down and you know you're about to die do you hold on just go all the way down to the ground or same there are no atheists and because of this religion becomes patriotic and being a patriot means you are religious in other words separation of church and state just went completely out the window pursuing the American dream and I'm going to talk extensively about the American dream when we get to the consumerism section because it's all about consuming but part of being a good American is you go to church every week it became your political Duty as a good citizen to go to church and everything took on a religious mindset not just a political for example the Pledge of Allegiance had been around for a long time how many of you have learned the Pledge of Allegiance at some point in your life all of you okay one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all that was the original text after World War II they inserted two words under God all of a sudden this became a religious Duty you are affirming that you were in line with that religious aspect he still haven't changed that they still haven't put it back to the way it was but they don't require kids to say it every day anymore either from what I understand or do that they don't I thought they got rid of that you still learning some point but in 1949 49 was a big year for the world in the post war America's Duty was to God and having a good Godly country but it also met a capitalist country capitalism and God are associated with each other communism was what Godless remember the original Red Scare they started saying they're Godless Communists and emphasizing that well in 1949 something's going to happen to resurrect that again after the war America and the Soviet Union are already tensed against each other Stalin's trying to take over the eastern half of Europe and he's doing a good job and the United States is trying to stop it but the United States is rather belligerent and we are lighting up nuclear weapons like they are firecrackers in our own personal 4th of July show hey you like that one boom chicka Slovakia will you boom how do you like that how would you like that over Moscow that's kind of the message they're sending well in 49 with the test called Joe one named after Joseph Stalin the Soviet Union up in Siberia and people said wow they've got nuclear weapons and other people were saying and that nuclear detonation looks exactly like the bomb we dropped on Nagasaki how did they get the bomb only 4 years after we dropped it how did they get that technology they didn't have a Manhattan Project like we did he didn't spend over 2 billion dollars to develop it they certainly didn't commit all their scientists to doing how did they get that how do you think they got it they stole it yes it's fine nuclear spies and so in 1949 it leads to a spy hunt and lo and behold they finally well it wasn't really that hard in a safe little Eastern European couple named Julius and apple Rosenberg were taking material from two different scientists in the Manhattan Project and passing it on to the Soviet Union they were put on trial and ultimately and I think 51 or maybe 52 one of those two years they were executed Ethel Rosenberg were killed for this it was a reasonable offense to give the enemy well actually they weren't even the enemy but to give away military Secrets during a time of War that's a big number and so the discovery of these spies in 1949 1950 LED Congress to start hunting infestation in America to try to eradicate this is America's second big anti-communist Witch Hunt it's second Red Scare and this one was even bigger than the Palmer rates this one was being held publicly in Congress they started hosting hearings where they would bring people who have been accused of some kind of communist connection into answer questions in front of Congress who did they target did they go after the leaders of the Communist party did they go after big union leaders the way Palmer did who did they target anybody know who was brought up in front of those trials nobody's talked about it as you grew up yeah and who were those people who are they targeting they were targeting one particular group of people they were targeting people in the entertainment industry why America has just learned the real power of propaganda they're not trying to Kill the Messenger they're trying to kill the message and the message is clear we're not going to allow a communist message to run counter to our capitalist one so Hollywood is going to walk the capitalist line if you are accused even without proof it can destroy your career in a lot of people in Hollywood had their careers completely wrecked and they were communist other people it's interesting actually got through it and it turns out that they at least now I've got a really interesting document that I like to show every now and then it's a copy of somebody's voter registration card have you heard of the show I Love Lucy Lucille Ball I Love Lucy the crazy redhead in was Lucille Ball and Lucille Ball was accused of communist ties during this period of time she was brought up in front of the house on American Activities Committee now the interesting thing is when she was brought up they questioned her a little bit and then said oh well clearly they were an error she is not a communist Lucille Ball you're free to go and her career went on like crazy here's the rub I actually have a photocopy of her brother registration from 1930s and on the political party line in her own handwriting it says communist who so why did she get off or so many others have their careers destroyed turns out Jay Edgar Hoover who was the head of the FBI and arguably the most powerful man in the country he had dirt on everyone I mean if you're looking for The Godfather that was who he was the guy and turns out that his favorite show was I Love Lucy and he went to Senator McCarthy he says I don't really care how this goes I don't care what you do what you say but bottom line you sealed ball is not a communist repeat after me Lucille Ball is not a communist McCarthy goes I'll take care of it and she got off because Hoover wanted her to get off kind of an interesting look into our traditional system they actually have the butter registration card I mean you know come on in her own hand right now she was a communist during the Great Depression but a lot of people were communist during the Great Depression and afterwards massive explosion of religious activity because of the war and the aftermath being American religious being religious make you or being a good American the two were blurred separation of church and state gone being religious meant you are a good American it was your political duty to go to church and they broaden the definition of this up to this point America has been heavily focused on trying to show everybody that white Anglo-Saxon Protestant religion is the way to go but now after the Holocaust and Hitler killed three quarters of the Jews on the planet in 1945 a little too little and a little too late we finally opened our doors so that the Jews who were still at risk to get out before Hitler can kill him that's why today the United States is the largest Jewish population of any country in the world even more than Israel and because they're Jews we don't want to kick them when they're down they just went through the Holocaust that's a horrific thing whole family's were wiped out Generations ended and oh they're over it now yeah they're well over now but it's taking them over half century to recover too yes and no that's actually a little bit more involved I'll talk to you afterwards if you want to hear the whole story but yes there are some that are incredibly wealthy and there's others who are not most or not okay but a handful of them are incredibly low yes okay so people are saying well the Jews who are coming over they want to be good Americans too and they're grateful to the country and they want to be loyal to the country and well their religions different than ours so they say okay well the Jews were started responsible for getting Jesus crucified but at the same time Jesus was a Jew yeah maybe maybe we can cut him some slack there so being a good American means you go to church or you go to Temple they said well what about the capital okay they go to church too they can be good Americans fine so all of a sudden so long as you're going to church and your Jewish Protestant Catholic all of a sudden you can be those and be a good American the key is you were active at this point a new phrase did you Dale Christian tradition this is when that phrase came about where Americans who are the ideal prototypical Americans were good God fearing people and they were of the judeo Christian today and that kind of wants together all the denominations of Christianity Catholic or Protestant and Judaism and whatever branches they might have and there's a number of different sects of Judaism too so so long as you fit that General description hey great you're a loyal American good hard working you can go after the American dream go for it but that became part of what it meant to me in America because of this and what the Jews went through the Holocaust changed the way Americans look at religion and all of a sudden people start saying you know we've been hating Catholics for a long time but really they're not so bad you know they basically believe the same thing we do yeah they have different ways of practicing their church but you know they're belief system is still more or less what ours is they're not really bad people we should look for things that we have in common with Catholics and Jews a lot of social things where Catholics Protestants and Jews all more or less see things the same way we should start cooperating with each other what a concept and so for the first time in American history throughout the 40s and 50s you start seeing increasing cooperation and all of a sudden attitudes toward different religions start softening so long as they fit into that greater judeo-christian tradition definition to the point where by the end of the 1950s you have a presidential election in 1960 and the result of that election is the very first Irish Catholic became president Kennedy we finally elected somebody who wasn't a Protestant to be president of the United States that was a significant time religiously in America because by this point while still people did kind of look down their nose at Catholics Catholics are not being completely discriminated against and hammered the way they were before there are still people who take issue with different religious sex okay Protestants who don't really like Catholicism Catholics you don't really like the way Protestants do things but by and large most people are pretty accepting oh you're Christian where do you go why go to the Catholic Church down there and that's it so the animosities are dying down the 1960s however were a turbulent time for a lot of reasons there were protests there was the Civil Rights Movement there was the Vietnam War the women's movement I mean there's all kinds of things going on in the 60s where everybody is getting active the country in a lot of ways is tearing itself apart and it's also being introduced to a lot of new religious ideas that they hadn't really looked at much before now it's not saying the religion is new but just those ideas for Americans to have to come have to deal with that's what's new they haven't really encountered them in any big amount at least most of them have because of what was happening in Vietnam the North and South Vietnamese War and the South because they allied with America we're getting really heavily targeted by the North Vietnamese the Vietnam and the Viet Kong was targeting people in the South and going after him and killing and so people from the South start wanting to get out and they're turning to the US and hey we got to have a place to go they're trying to kill us and so the United States passes the Immigration Act of 1965 a whole bunch of anti-asian immigration legislation was still on the books this act starts getting rid of it all and it basically opens up the door so that we can start letting the Vietnamese in who want to flee that well when Vietnamese and other people from Asia it doesn't just open up for the Vietnam people people from Cambodia people from Laos people from Thailand people from India they start coming in in larger and larger number and when they come they bring their religions with them so suddenly we are getting a whole bunch of people from Asia who are Muslims Hindus Buddhists and several other different religions but those are the three big ones that everybody has to start coming to grips with everybody's looking around them wow worshiping like a hundred and some odd gods or something yikes you seen him they got like little Idols for them that's not right and you start getting this Western versus Eastern criticism of religion the era of protest however LED for the younger generation to start reevaluating their ideas about religion not actually most people become whatever their parents were and now in America you see the Youth of America rebelling like crazy and when they do they start saying well I'm not sure if I like what my parents are talking about maybe I should go evaluate myself and they'll start looking into other things now what this usually amounts to is switching to nomination it's not that somebody who's Christian necessarily becomes non-Christian they they go into some other religion but most of the shifting goes well I'm Baptist I want to go Methodist if I'm Methodist maybe I want to go Catholic if I'm Catholic maybe I choose to go Protestant maybe I like Baptist maybe I like Presbyterians and people will start shifting denominations in a way they never have before that was very unusual but you also get Jews converting to Christianity Christians converting to from protestantism to Catholicism or back and forth even Christians converting to Judaism becomes common but something else that starts creeping in they get interested in the Eastern Religion Center coming in and then something happens to kick that into high gear The Beatles The Fab Four yes Paul John Ringo and George The Fab Four The Beatles they got involved in looking at the Eastern religions they were John Lennon especially was a big critic of America's participation in Vietnam he was a big anti-war guy but he also became fascinated with Eastern religions and he wanted to get in there and study and the others kind of went along too after they started talking to the first Guru a guru by the way if you've ever heard that term is a religious person who can serve as a mentor or a guide somebody to instruct you into how to properly practice a religion that's what a guru is and they studied with a couple different gurus the first Guru kind of introduced them to him and George excuse me Ringo Ringo Starr said well guys it's not really for me I'm going home you know I'm fascinated by all this it's not my cup of tea but I love it it's beautiful and he goes home John really wants to learn everything he can about it John Lennon really gets into it but in the end he also says okay I love it I love what you guys do with it it's beautiful George converts to him and to the day he died George Harrison will be a Hindu for the rest of his life so the outcome of this though if the Beatles do it it must be cool and they set a pad where young people get interested in the Eastern religions plus who's another way you can Rebel with this the last thing mom and dad good Preston Christians want to hear is my child converted to Hinduism oh my gosh my kid came home a Buddhist can you believe that starts to happen and the Beatles have a lot of reason for that wow we are out of time okay enjoy your spring break again did everybody get the message through canvas and everything that automatically went to you okay the test is pushed back a week I've already altered all of the dates for it so it should come up correctly in canvas and I also posted in the extra credit assignment a link to the video so if you open up the assignment you'll see the link right there at the top you can click that and watch the video streaming online okay so all of that is there have a wonderful vacation I will see you the following Monday yeah for the