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1460 Mar 15

  • Completion of Transcontinental Railroad 1860s
    • Old industrial revolution
      • Took local businesses to regional
    • Completion of railroad Creates new industrial revolution
      • Rise of big business
      • Robber barons / corporate america
        • Andrew Carnegie
        • JP Morgan
        • John D. Rockefeller
    • 1906-1915
      • San Francisco rebuilt city after massive earthquake
      • Hosted World’s Fair 1915
        • Help boosted american industry but also brought problems
    • Wealth divide in 2nd Industrial revolution rises 1880 - 1920 Progressive Era
      • Social reform / religious reforms
  • Corporations buying politicians
    • Rockefeller
      • Owned 3 senators
    • American general public did not have voice; big business controlled politics
    • Would not allow government to put regulations
    • Women started working more; businesses enjoyed employing women b/c women wage was less
    • Children were lowest cost / wage; kids generally didn't go to school
      • Families needed everyone to work to survive
  • Middle class would generally drive social reform
    • Protestant christians were behind this movement
      • Social gospel movement - put your beliefs to action
  • Social Gospel Movement
    • Openly criticize immigration policies
    • Believes people at bottom simply misguided / what they learned
      • They are pre-industrial; must teach them how to be modern
    • Emergence of Wellness and Modern Medicine
      • Medicine starts becoming reliable; new standards
    • Women driving force behind progressive reform
      • Haven’t seen women take leadership like this never before;
      • Men cannot stop it
    • A parental movement
      • Ex > the use of child labor is unacceptable
        • The women can say that child labor (i.e. social issues) affect the women “sphere” AKA the home
    • Would like to ban alcohol
      • Similar to puritans and second great awakening by having their ideas made into law
    • Addressing big business
  • JP Morgan -
    • Wanted to push America onto exclusively gold standard
      • America was based on silver / gold
      • European banks don’t like trading w/ silver
    • 1890’s switch to gold standard hurts society
      • Harder to earn money;
      • Severe deflation
      • Farmers
        • Serious debt; prices of their goods seriously dropped; hard to pay back their mortgages
        • Wanted to go back to gold / silver standard
        • Leads to Free Silver movement
  • Immigrants coming to America
    • Eastern and Southern Europe
    • Big business recruited immigrants to keep wages low
    • Italians
      • Catholic
    • Poland
      • Jews
    • Anti-catholic and anti-semitism rise greatly
  • Free Silver Movement
    • Led by evangelist
  • Emergence of Wellness and Modern Medicine
    • Medicine starts becoming reliable; new standards
  • Women held to higher moral standard
    • Men typically breadwinner, public speakers
    • Women - clean, orderly,
      • Sphere: the homes
  • Evangelists
    • Billy Sunday -
      • Well known Former baseball player; reformed drunk
        • Had coming to Jesus moment when he thought he would die from alcoholism
        • Anti-saloon league
          • Wanted to get rid of social areas to drink
        • “Get thee behind me demon rum”
      • Temperance leader
    • William Jennings Bryan
      • Lawyer / economist / preacher
        • Economist: most vocal opponents of gold standard
      • Big leader of evangelist movement against gold standard
      • Said American democracy is heavily tied into christianity
      • “America is being crucified on a gold cross”
      • 1920s Scopes Monkey Trial - teaching evolution in public schools
      • Founded World’s Christian Fundamentalist Association
        • Still very powerful today
    • Charles Sheldon
      • “What would Jesus do”
      • Christian Socialist
      • A lot of same reforms as second great awakening
        • Ex. prostitution
    • Young Men’s Christian Association YMCA
      • To give young men better / healthier outlets for young men
      • Been around since before Progressive Era / would get bigger during Progressive Era
      • WW1
        • 18th Amendment Prohibition
          • Drinking goes up 20%
          • Controlled / organized crime rise;
            • Al Capone, 5 families of NY, mafias
        • 19th Amendment - Women’s Suffrage
        • Veterans returning from war; struggling w/ PTSD
          • Drank to sleep; prostitution
          • Drunken veterans viewed as validation for outlawing alcohol / prostitution
          • Veterans don’t like progressive movement
      • YMCA do great job at helping veterans
        • Get over $155 million in donations
    • Boy Scouts of America
      • Inspired by YMCA; “need to get to boys younger before they get corrupt”
      • Religious organization meant to bring up good boys by giving healthy activities; become good Christian men
  • Women
    • Driving force of Social Gospel Movement; differed from Second Great Awakening; Leaders of many reforms
    • Most women are middle class
      • Have many social restrictions;
      • Not supposed to work; “if woman works, the man must not be making enough”; a working wife is a blow to the man’s status
    • It’s socially acceptable for women to do philanthropy
      • Use philanthropy as way to lead progressive change
  • Muck-rakers
    • Teddy read an article by an activist, put down article “These people just want to rake muck”
    • Activist journalist
      • Go after big barons like Rockefeller
        • A woman whose father was put out of work by Rockefeller; would eventually become a muck-raker that got Rockefeller
    • George Kibbe Turner
      • Did not like prostitution in America
      • Most Americans saw prostitution as undesirable;
      • Investigated how prostitute came to be
        • Immigrants typically would come over; start to become well economically
        • Business owner would come to wife while husband at work;
        • would tell women to work for him as well or else husband would be fired and black listed for all work in America; real black list
        • Post Turner’s paper exposing prostitution would create - White Slavery Traffic Act
          • Illegal to transport women across state lines for immoral purposes
          • Will be used as weapon of white supremacy
  • Jane Addams
    • Establishing settlement houses; over 400 would go up
    • Whole House - original in Chicago
      • Place where immigrants could come and settle in America
        • Typically catholics, jews, russians, polish, italians
      • Can stay / eat for free
      • No drinking
      • Forced to go to church on Sunday
    • Big on temperance / wellness
    • Frank Lloyd Wright
      • One of top 2 famous American architects
  • Andrew Carnegie - The Gospel of Wealth
    • Wealth of massive amounts is okay as long as using it properly
      • 3 ways
        • Give amount to kids - but do not give them massive amounts;
          • They did not earn it; do not know how to spend it
        • If people don’t spend in lifetime, it must go back to society somehow;
          • 90% death tax
        • Philanthropy
          • Does not believe in charity ie. soup kitchen
          • Carnegie Hall
            • For gran performances
          • Donated Libraries
          • Advocated for HAGUE; International criminal courts today
            • Saw WW1 as blight
    • Carnegie a social darwinist
      • Science of society
    • Other’s kind of guilted into doing this
  • Jack Johnson - boxer
    • Contender for Heavyweight champ
    • Embodies stereotypes of white supremacy
      • Loud mouth, no self control, many a white woman
      • Many wanted him put in his place
    • Jefferies, current heavyweight champ, would not fight Johnson
      • Says would not dignify Johnson with a fight
      • Johnson would heckle Johnson everywhere
    • Jeffries would lose, New champion
      • New champion would lose to Johnson
    • Jeffries wants
      • 1910 “Fight of century”
      • Jeffries is Great White Hope
    • White Slavery Traffic Act
      • Johnson driving with a white woman
      • Movie “The Great White Hope”
  • Progressive Movement
    • Regulations, limitations in workplace
    • Some questionable
      • Prohibition
      • Women’s suffrage was viewed as questionable
    • Progressives will keep trying to reform; people would not be open enough to social changes; changes would stop / slow down
    • Religious movements / Christian Fundamentalism would still be around

Rough Transcript

Will suddenly be dominated by the likes of people like him morning generally nothing even though it comes with some pops 19 all contact with anything that are from countries only with silver resorts who created a massive Financial through and it hits the people we are why what happens here is when you get something that suddenly goes from very simple to skip what happens to the president or something is harder to get it increases that's what's happened to the money supply the money supply has gotten a lot more strength you heard about the dollar being a week or the dollar being respond death Dave's gone into Sirius death they put up mortgages against the farm now let's say all of a sudden your farm was maybe 500,000 and you've got 400,000 worth somebody who's really expert in how international finance works very quickly are getting frustrated with the direction of America's head they believe in progress they believe in technology they like America becoming great but they don't like what it's doing to the society immigrants are being recruited for America they are flooding in by the mill ion when you see those old pictures of Ellis Island flooding with all sorts of immigrants all over the world another denomination not as something practice by unreliable stop it because a lot of the problems are things that are seen as part of the women's spirit overlap emerges sometimes you can switch jobs who provide sustenance for the family support they're the breadwinners they engage publicly with others men are dirty kids songs is hey there's some stuff you guys need to deal with and if you're not going to do if you do go back in your spirit this is our spirit of America as people who need to be tough they're basically children for a very heavy-handed approach to reform regulation in their own environment by law well that's what social gospel music morality ideas rict can do they're trying to put down there know on what corporates corporations can do in corporate leaders like Rockefeller of children that in order political threats they're trying to legislate their own religious news girls related to Christianity and where you are getting rid of democracy you are impeding people's religious was helping to found an organization called the world's Christian fundamentalism in other words this is the start of a Christian fundamentalism ever since decision they need to ask questions to me religious figures are going to inspire big waves of before World War I fall within the tail end of the progressive terms and a lot of the reforms that happened will happen because of the returning veterans in World War I some kind of connection to humanities and they're so screwed up necessarily they are some of the first ones who figure out good ways of counseling people through the social disorders that they are now in history in other words for learning how to treat the easiest and they are significantly successful at it to the point where people start period the language of their Vision division statement still has inspiring Christian values within the use of America question mark and women will be coming a little bit more involved job a lot of organizations will realize that women actually have a big Power because they are seen as the Defenders of morality and when you are in the midst of so much moral contradictions in society when women are saying what's wrong with this picture the men have no choice and how those Evils are being caused usually by big business on the front page of History this is a big thing because they're going after people like Rockefeller and one of the most prominent prostitution and how it was being done in America he saw that most Americans saw prostitution as undesirable but you know ultimately do is to survive is to sell sexually for being actively improved horse family gift act has been modified several times over here to where it now has been expanded to all human trafficking so basically the trafficking of people is what this department he transport women across state lines by a woman who really is the embodiment of the Injustice when people think of a middle class woman progression who was hug she came to National Fame was by establishing settlements who are trying to take advantage?? In the largest most effective chemistry again in America colors lots of Netflix they had to go to church on Sunday now for Catholics going to a promise Church Virginia entire city block Society somehow so he advocated a 90% Society and he believes philanthropy is not sure organiz ations where you solicit donations stereotypes of white supremacy he's loud outspoken shows very little personal control of Interest want more than any other thing white women he's already been married to two and divorced them divorce and a lot of people are saying that he needs different there we get to see in the places all over this guy's out of place myself Jeffrey in Illinois Chicago and to get there Johnson drives with his fiance over to the fight and because they are not married slavery traffic limits on the excesses of business they put in protections outline child labor for children to be exploited far before they should before they can meet you a lot of those things regulations