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  • Early Religion in America
    • Myth of religious freedom?
      • Myth: people came for freedom to express their religion
      • Truth: many came for various reasons;
        • In regards to religion, many wanted to set the way THEY wanted to
        • A theocratic society does not equal freedom
    • Martin Luther
      • Did not like the way catholic church operated
      • Started protestant reformation
    • Protestant Reformation
      • Lutherans: Followers of Martin Luther ideas
        • Said Kings did not have to abide by catholic church, can create own church
        • Can simply believe in order to go to heaven; power of choice as individual; helped spread wave of enlightenment
      • Calvinists: Followers of Calvin’s ideas
        • Believes things are already predestined; no true choice
        • Believe the intertwining of church and politics has corrupted the church
        • Would like to purify church > become known as puritans
      • Separatists
        • A type of puritan that believes that the church cannot be cleansed; must start anew
      • Reformation was very much politically motivated
        • Kings tired of Pope interfering
    • Theocratic Society in New England
      • Enforcement of theocracies
        • Public shaming, community watching / peer accountability, public guilt
        • Social repression of kids / adults
        • Standards for dressing
          • Clothing covers almost everything
          • Color of clothing can lead to lust>sin; black white gray only allowed
          • Women need long hair; but must be covered at almost all times
        • Home dynamic
          • Men always in charge; wife expected to obey; kids follow parents
            • Women cannot talk back to man; can be prosecuted by law
        • Men must ask parents for permission to date daughters
        • Smoking not allowed in public; privately is ok
          • Smoking viewed as Wasting time = viewed as wasting God’s time
        • No kissing in public; no PDA
        • Entertainment forbidden = wasting of time
          • Plays reinforcing “God’s plan” is okay
        • No swearing
        • No sleeping in church
          • Puritan church lasts
            • Sunday: 4 hours in morning; 2 and half in evening
            • Meet Wednesday as well
        • Excessive emotion can lead to sin;
      • Punishments
        • Public humiliation
          • Letter on clothing that identifies what you done wrong
      • Stocks and Pillory
        • Put on display for everyone to see
        • Usually punishment lasts days
        • Sometimes the ear may be nailed to the pillory; or ear taken off completely
      • Ducking Stool
        • Largely reserved for women; can be used for women who talked back to women
        • Strap women in chair and dunk in water
      • Whipping
        • Can be punishment for homosexuals
      • Tongue piercing
        • Take awl; would heat up awl and
      • Execution
        • Usually hanging, sometimes burned at stake
      • Letter branding
        • Sometimes you were branded with letter for constant offenses
    • Pennsylvania
      • William Penn
        • Quaker
          • Really called Religious society of Friends
          • Philadelphia “Brotherly love”
          • Anyone could be quaker, christians, atheists, etc.
          • Treat others as you wish to be treated
          • Belief in idea of “inner light”; everyone born w/ this
            • Quakers must follow this
          • Main core beliefs
            • Pacifist!; disputes settled peacefully; hate war
            • Equality; regardless of gender, age, money etc.
            • Integrity; vital to a person; word is bond
            • Simplicity
              • Keep life simple; moderation key
          • Believe all people have good in them; opposing christian belief that everyone born evil
          • Oppose Christian belief of only one path to salvation in bible; believe there may be multiple
          • Oppose having one person telling everyone how to practice
            • Believe in priesthood of all people; everyone has right to speak their mind
        • Friend w/ King Charles II
        • Charles loved to gamble; often needed to pay back debts
        • Penn family needed debt from Charles paid; Charles would often give land in form of colonies to pay back debts
        • Penn wanted to provide place for Quakers to be people; King liked idea of getting rid of Quakers
    • Execution of Quakers
      • Quakers love to argue, provoke, stimulate arguments
      • Puritans view dissenting views as crimes
      • Famous case of 4 who were banished
        • Banished from New England for their arguments
        • Would return from banishment, executed
        • Mary Dire; one of few women who were executed in puritan society
    • William Penn rule of avoiding violence
      • Do not steal land from Indians; trade for land
      • Ended up having better relations with natives
    • Maryland
      • Calvert family (Catholics) another close friend w/ King Charles
      • Lord Baltimore
        • Gives Calverts charter
      • 90% of people coming were protestant;
      • Catholics and protestants did not like each other


Early Religion In America

why go to america they come from Financial ones economic ones they want to be landowners they want to make money they want to move up in class there's a lot of reasons why people come but we are going to look at some of the religious ideas here today okay in order to really see what's going on in the colonies first we need to put it in contact with what's going on in the world in the early 1500s a priest took issue with what the Catholic church was doing in many ways he came up with a list of things that they were doing wrong it's violated what the Bible said they should be doing who was that? Martin Luther. good and his ideas sparked a big uproar and a controversy that ultimately will result in a massive split of the Christian church based in Rome the Protestant Reformation. So what we actually are going to see here is a result to different directions the Protestant Reformation ended up going. As the Protestant Reformation was largely started based on Luther's ideas, you have them being the core group of protestant reformers but others are going to come up disagreeing with Luther on several points and creating options. One of the big thinkers other than Martin Luther that was coming up with one of these big branches of protestantism is someone named John Calvin. And followers of his ideas are called Calvinists okay so followers of Luther's ideas become known as lutherans. The lutherans and Calvinists. And from there they go into even bigger divide as they continue breaking up so what is the big difference between Luther's ideas and Calvin's ideas they matter because Luther's ideas are really The Heart Of The Rising Protestant movement it's going to be Lucas ideas that a lot of the kings of Europe will latch on to when they create their own but Calvin is going to have a big impact so what is that what exactly is really the motivation behind the spreading out of the Protestant Reformation it's not just a personal issue for people it's a political issue Kings across Europe are tired of the Pope interfering in their Kingdom there is a big well of authority and they want to be the biggest fish in that pond they want control of their own country and every time the Catholic Church comes in and says you being so and so cannot do this way the pope doesn't like you doing this well they're tired of having to answer to the Post Authority they want control of everything going on in their country and Luther says you don't have to do what Rome says as a matter of fact you don't have to be associated with them at all there's nothing that says the church has to be set up the way they did it you can set up your own church and be perfectly fine you're not putting your soul in danger you don't have to do instead set up your own church and be the head of it yourself if you do that then the authority comes to one person the king becomes not just the political Authority but also the religious Authority in this truck now they already relied on what they called The Vine right divine right of King the justification for King's holding that Throne saying God shows us or this they still got selected us to be king that's what Kings have relied on but it also implies that the Kings had to stay in line with the Catholic church now Luther's giving them a weapon of Their Own church and set up your own you don't have to do what they tell you to do for a lot of people they also were looking at ideas about salvation the afterlife they want to go to heaven they don't want to go to hell Luther says all you have to do to go to heaven is have faith in God and accept through Grace that He sent Jesus to be sacrificed for your sins you can accept that salvation but it requires just your choice now here's the rub he believes the individual has the choice to choose or not choose that path therefore the path of whether you go to heaven or not is not already planned out the individual can make that choice this plays into the Enlightenment thinking the enlightenment heavily focuses on the rights of the individual people like John Locke are saying you have a right to life you have a right to Liberty you have a right to property natural rights natural laws well this is playing into that mindset to a certain extent it's focusing on this new Focus of the individual being the center of things this is what's happening throughout Europe at this point and so it really gives you kind of a humanist approach to why people are following Luther. He's saying you have that choice you have that power as an individual to choose to go to heaven or health Calvin on the other hand says Nope Calvin believes that everything is already predestined. God already knows who's going to heaven or hell you don't really have a choice you have an illusion of choice you can put your salvation at risk by completely rejecting it but as far as going to heaven you have to earn it each and every day you have to earn it with everything you say everything you think everything you do you have to earn it submission to the will of God is Paramount but everything is already predestined and going against God's plan is the greatest sin you can commit because it doesn't just put you in Jeopardy he puts society's a hole in Jeopardy in other words they believe that people who are going against God's will can endanger the entire country that's why they're so concerned about what's wrong with England Church of England they think it's been corrupted by involving it in politics the way the King has it has been screwed up and they believe they're putting the lives the future of all the people in England at risk and so they want to purify it that's why they become known as things have gone too far they can't fix it it's irreparably screwed up it can't be fixed are only choice here is really to break off from the church of England and create a new entity start over again these people become known as separatists Puritans and separatists believe the same thing they don't want the corrupt political decisions screwing up their society they believe a purpose Society is attainable what do we call that what's that Utopia good Utopia this idea that you can build a perfect Society well that is very much connected with these ideas they are floating about the Colonials existence in America they want to do that and they believe it's possible build a perfect Society one where religion is practice properly and they create a government and laws that enforce that to force the conscience and curb the will those are their work force the conscious and curb the will everything is predestined God has a plan and your job is to carry that plan out make sure that you were doing your part to forward that plan otherwise you risk damnation for everyone not just yourself so they've got an interest in everybody following the rules and what do you think it would be like to live in a society like that if this is their core belief system anyway very strict yes they come up with laws that are very very rigid and then once they come up with those logs what do they do about it everybody's watching everybody else constantly to keep an eye on whether somebody is stepping over the line or not how's that sound people are constantly budding into your business constantly looking at everything you do everything is under scrutiny that sounds fun does that sound like they're coming here for Religious Freedom this isn't the recipe for freedom is it the politicians are religious leaders they're both and that's what makes up theocracy for example the Vatican the home of the Catholic Church the Vatican it exists entirely within the city of Rome but it is in fact its own country and the pope is the head of that country Connecticut is a good example of a theocracy so several examples the Taliban when they took over Afghanistan when we left they reassured their Authority the Taliban is a political entity that is controlled by religion so again there's another theocracy theocracy still exists they created one in the New England colonies when they went in there okay so what is it that they do what is their big the big thing that they're known for strict enforcement of morality but not just privately they're doing it publicly they use embarrassment humiliation and shame as the big enforcement tools to try to convince people to follow the rules is very effective nobody wants to be embarrassed publicly but if you screw up you don't just get punished everybody gets to watch you being punched that's the point so it's not just teaching you it's convincing everybody else hey I better not do the same thing otherwise this is going to happen to me too and I don't want this to happen to me so when they're they are working for the good of the entire group that's the mindset part of this is not only to say you've got a conscience they are forcing you to follow it thanks if your conscience is telling you to do something don't go against it follow it do what you know to be right they want to curb over exuberance of Youth now how many of you remember what it was like being in junior high your early teenage years we already forgot yeah there we go where you screwed up we all work by definition you're kind of screwed up your body is going through all sorts of changes the hormonal stuff causes you to do all kinds of weird stuff you end up being a problem child for a couple weeks a little better but most people in one way or another really do stupid stuff it doesn't necessarily need to be bad stuff well part of it is you act out you feel like all of a sudden you need to be seen be push or being an individual starts to take over everybody wants to be a grown up about that point they act like kids but insist on being treated like adults and then when they get treated like adults they complain ing and early teenager special so they want to control the natural exuberance of you they want to keep kids under control and you've heard that saying children are better seeing than not heard yeah some people are going no never heard that yeah better seen than hurt you have basically the Puritans live by this kids are great to try it out and be orderly but you don't want to open their mouth so they do a lot of social repression of the kids kids are heavily under control but they're not the only one this is what Puritans look like not some not most. Replace the face but they all look like this why because there are rules on what they can wear and what they can first rule can lead to lust lust meets the sin and sin is forbidden remember this it will come to be a recurrency you can wear white they live in a monochrome world no colors but there are a couple exceptions to this now if you are male and you are fairly wealthy so you have a certain amount of wealth and you have particularly High standing in society you might might be able to get away occasionally with wearing a dark blue suit but that's correct most people can't even get away with that let's take a look at the components and what they are designed to do notice men and women are very heavily covered up when they're outside men are expected to wear hats they can take them off inside women however wearing a cloth they can only really take it off for two reasons sex that's it the rest of the time they keep their hair covered now the interesting obsession with hair it's covered but at the same time women aren't supposed to cut their hair their hair is supposed to be long long hair is a sign of femininity sign of being a woman and so if your hair is too long as a man they take issue with you men's hair is supposed to be short why are standards they can actually grow it fairly long before they get into what's considered long hair it can be down to your shoulders what we would think of this well that's pretty long hair that's still reasonable if it's down that far you have to pull your hair back neatly keep it keep it neat but if it gets it back for women however you're not allowed to cut your hair short you need to keep your hair long they make them grow their hair long and then they tell him they have to keep it covered all the time could it be because hair is seen as something that can induce less for men so they have to cover their hair most of the day they even sleep in this thing they wear that while they sleep actually men were sleeping cats too that was something they did now if you're having sex you can take it off for sex then when it's time to go to sleep I don't know anymore is whoa very rude that's that's really Crossing line you know forget the dropping cleavage line now to ensure that most of their skin around their neck is covered men mean while wear rough lace is something they are also forbidden this is not considered lace this fabric lace is something that is really and it's meant to be especially feminine if you know wearing lace we sin sin is forbidden there are other things that play here as well women your dress much must have your dress must happen it's supposed to touch the top of their shoe contacts no ankle showing showing ankle is scandalously loose that would be like today if somebody was if women were going around without a shirt on that would be the rough equivalent of showing ankles it's way too much any showing of the ankle oh my God their skin covered up as much as possible too so men even though the style of pants is different than the women wearing dresses they still are expected to keep their legs covered even there's their shirts and coats the must go all the way to him must go all the way to the hand men can go out in public without wearing gloves but women women are expected to wear gloves in public on what they wear there's other things as well family relations within the home are very specific the men are always in charge the children are expected to do with their parents tell them both mom and dad but the wife is expected to obey her husband they take that seriously if she's not obedient to her husband if she's mouthing off to her husband her husband actually can file charges against her in the law take legal action against her will come to that one in here in a minute if you want to date if a young man wants to ask you out a young woman he has to get permission from the parents before even asking her and if the parents say no no means no this is not an area they can mess around with a little bit as a whole is seen as a distraction from doing your duty to God and you're wasting God's time therefore entertainment is forbidden now they can have like a play or something like that you can do that if it's teaching some kind of moral lesson it's encouraging morality it's encouraging people to follow the rules or show examples of people breaking those rules and watching get punished for it there's a little different then it becomes educational and it's forwarding God's plan at that point for those are okay laziness idleness wasting God's time now here's another one and this one on the surface it doesn't sound like it would be all that stuff no sleeping in church not allowed to sleep in church now if you go to church today most churches most religions most church services are what an hour hour and a half different day not theirs 4 hours on Sunday and as if one four hour. Wouldn't have been enough they actually have an evening service too and you're required to be at both yes the evening one usually lasts for 2 and 1/2 hours so six and a half hours of church every Sunday and they also usually meet on Wednesdays too in addition to that you sometimes have Bible study should go through what not but you get the idea lots of time spent in church and getting up Sunday morning and going to church and sitting there for 4 hours the preachers tend to be avoiding any excessive emotionalism because excessive emotionalism can lead to sin sin is forbidden so they tried to keep it as calm as possible churches required you are allowed to miss church only if you are ill but then they will send somebody over to check on they will be coming specifically they bring over some soup they want to see if there's anything they can do for you to help you out show that they care but what are they really doing checking to see if you're sick if you are hey you're some soup hope you feel better if you're not expectations thanks so let's take a look at some of the punishments they have and some of the reasons they have for them one comic common public humiliation is having to wear a letter on your clothing to identify what it was you did wrong how many of you have heard or read good number yeah I know super entertaining add me the kind of thing that you could actually probably watch but the Scarlet Letter here we are this was actually one of the earliest movies filmed version of Scarlet Letter ever put out the silent film era and she was starting his history what made it worse is she wasn't ashamed of it and she refused to give up the man who she had sex with but he did get her pregnant and she wasn't ashamed of the child on the contrary she was proud of her the man who got her pregnant was the priest spoiler alert sorry I know a lot of you are really interested to run right out and rent The Scarlet Letter read it watch it whatever I want to talk about some of the letters you can get okay she got an A if you burn down somebody's house arson you'd probably get a d if you were drunk in public so drunkenness you get a deed you can get a B for any number of things burglary you burglarize somebody's house but burglary blasphemy you bless me against the church after all if you are a bastard did you actually do anything wrong no you are a result of your parents doing something wrong but who can stigmatized you do is that fair come on now I can understand the parents having to wear a bee on their clothes everywhere they go yes we had a bastard child for fornication now what's the difference between fornication and adultery one or both of the people involved is married to someone else fornication you get two single people who are having premarital sex sex outside of wedlock that's fornication you might also get an F if you forged something for the document you can wear now you get an eye if you think your sister's really cute this device here is the pillar although if you call it stocks nobody's going to correct it the whole idea here is to put you on display for everybody coming by to say oh they're there because they did this sometimes they will even go so far as to put buckets of rotten fruit and vegetables next to this encouraging people to throw it at you you got to be careful about that though you take too much Glee and throwing rotten food at people but wait until it's your turn in the stocks and they'll get to pay back so this one looks incredibly uncomfortable you can get anywhere from an hour or two bent over like this first of all your back is going to start hurting really quick and bathroom breaks nope getting to have food or water while you're there unless someone's kind enough to feed you nope so that could end up getting really really miserable painful hungry messing yourself so messy stinky yeah it it all adds up it's not pleasant being in these things particular punishment that is largely reserved for women the Duncan School remember how I said women who disobey their husband or nap off to them could end up getting dragged into court this is often the punishment that they get a trip on the decking school it's seen in a couple different basic formats one where is at the end of a long plank on a fulcrum where they get lowered down in there and then pull back up or they're on a rope that gets lowered in but basically strap the woman in the chair and you dunk her in the water the whole idea here is the woman has too much inner fire and you're quenching that's why you're ducking her in the water quench that fire there was actually a rather famous poem written about the specific incident where a woman had been accused of disobeying and abusing her husband three times where it got drawn into court I do have it sometimes I read it but basically it's telling the actual account of the story where the first time the guy brings her in she takes a trip on the stool the second time she didn't learn her lesson she gets another trip into the water the third time the judge the jury everybody in the courtroom couldn't keep a straight face everybody was laughing she's not going to respond to this so tell you what why don't we just put her in jail for a couple days and find her and otherwise we let it go they thought it was amusing that she was getting dragged into court yet one more time so he kind of get an idea this might have been a source of private entertainment watching women get dumped into the water not exactly nice is it being publicly logged with a bull whip they had a whipping post at the center of town you get strapped into that and then they go to town on you usually the sentence is 40 Lashes sometimes for more serious offenses that might even give you more lashes than that but 40 Lashes is, what they might give you lashing for doing it was an example of a man named Edward Preston who was sentenced to 40 Lashes his crime come inside of me in other words he had a homosexual sex with another man and they worked in 40 times for that tongue piercing was something else that was also sometimes you that is where they taking all aw that's for those of you know basically around shaft that comes to a point at the end they used it for poking holes in leather punch and what they would do is they would take that sharp pointy piece of Steel and stick it in the fire until it glowed white hot the reason if you don't cauterize it it will heal back up and it will close they want that hole to be permanent so when they jab it and have it cauterized they just leave it sitting there until it's well and truly Cooks the area around it and forever from that point on you have a hole in your car for serious blasphemy and running a foul of both religious and Civil Authorities who are really offended at whatever you said so criticizing the church criticizing the state or incredible blasting you might see you get this also another thing they might do here nailing they might nail your ear to the wood next to it so you're in there jammed in which is bad enough but now your ears nailed this thing owl for some serious offenses they might even cut your ear off completely execution is an option would people be executed while committing murder if it was clear that you intended to kill somebody you planned it out and you killed them you can be tried for murder and get capital punishment usually capital punishment that you were home but sometimes they will burn you at the state it depends on the violation here's an interesting one of somebody who was executed for his crimes his name was Thomas Granger he also was in Plymouth by the way he was saying he was convicted of the crime of buggery what yeah he was accused of having sex with a mirror that's a female horse a cow Two Goats five sheep two calves not quite sure how they manage that the animals were executed as well and burned Christmas had completely tainted them and they were afraid that these would be can take over the animals and do which people this wasn't all of them Massachusetts Bay Massachusetts Rhode Island for example but it wasn't all of them it wasn't like this in Virginia it wasn't like this in the Carolinas it wasn't like this in a lot of a lot of the other ones as well so this was specifically for them another thing they might do is letter branding if you violate something multiple times you might actually get branded with the letter wearing it clearly wasn't enough you really had to remind people just how much that person has done he was a common one for this theme if somebody repeatedly stole things they would actually typically brand someone with a t on their hands the obvious messages watch out that hand is used to conducting the five finger distance something that was also fairly common if you were caught stealing repeatedly you get a tea branded in here or constantly engaging in adultery for example you might get an a branded into you but they would use or whatever and if you did it multiple times even after that they probably brand you on all that thing ran it in the forehead Randy tell him the bend over another interesting group to look at that also and his dad was fairly powerful he was a noble and he was influential he was friends with King Charles II but King Charles II had some problems mainly he liked the Gamble a lot and when he ran out of money at the gambling table so you would go to a friend of his and say hey can you loan me some money I'll pay you back later he never did he just kept losing money and losing money and losing money but how do you say no to the king sorry your majesty I'm just not going to loan it to you because you're not trustworthy well William Penn's father was one of the people who were friends with the King and moan him quite a bit of money that was gambled away and at a certain point 12 seconds often times found that people were willing to accept Colonial Charters which was a way to make money as repayment for their debt and in the case of the pen family what's more is Charleston's second multiple advantages in this he knew that 10 son was a Quaker and he took a lot of abuse had a lot of friends who were Quakers and he wanted to provide a place where Quakers could go and not be persecuted what's more the king loved the idea because it meant to Quakers would be now on the other side of the Atlantic and he wouldn't have to deal with me provide Quakers a safe haven over on the other side of the ocean when he set up the rules they were generally according to Quaker their actual name was the religious Society of Friends have you ever heard of Philadelphia being called the City of Brotherly Love that's his nickname well it comes from this route of Quakers brotherly love to look upon each other fondly and basically treat others the way you would want to be treated being quicker is technically a religion but at the same time you could be Christian and Quaker at the same time it was possible for the two to exist it was also possible to be Quaker in an atheist yeah it would overlap other religions fairly well Quakers believe every person is born with an inner life they might say oh well that's the Holy Spirit that's God's talking to you from inside telling you what's right and wrong or not necessarily religious people they might simply say no that's just your consciousness in any case Quakers believe every person is born knowing what is right they're born with that little voice inside of them telling them right from wrong that inner life and that inner light has a Quaker you're supposed to listen to it and do what it tells you to do follow your conscience the core beliefs there's actually four core principles but the one most associated with Quaker the one that people most associate with them it's Pacific peace I don't believe in using violence system dis pute dispute should be settled peaceful verbally you can argue all you want but don't let it come to blow and they're really against War I hate War waiters make great diplomats they're natural for that they believe all people have good within them this is one area where they kind of run a fellow of Christian Church Christianity holds that all people are born evil they are born to sin and they have to be redeemed from that so you are not born good you're born evil Quakers say no everybody's actually born with Gooden and that voice is telling them what is right and what is not it is the voice of good another area where they tend to differ from Christianity Christianity holds the principle of Sola scriptura in other words the only path to Salvation is the one explained in the Bible in the scriptures there is no other way to get salvation then to follow the path put in the Bible that's the only way the Quaker say no I don't believe that I believe that it is APAP to Salvation or could be a path of salvation but they also believe that there could be other paths there are other ways of attaining Salvation other than what's written there so in a way Hinduism kind of kind of goes along these lines too Hinduism there isn't just one type of Hinduism there's a whole bunch of Hinduism mineral lumped under one label but there's a lot of different ways to achieve the goals that he was in the setting out different methods different approaches there's a lot of paths you can take what Quakers believe that too that one way isn't necessarily the only way there could be other alternatives another thing they believe is you should not have one person telling you how to practice how to believe or what to believe they don't like the idea of having one priest telling everybody how they should practice their religion instead they believe in what's called they believe everybody instead of being in a situation basically like you are now group of people with a person up front which is how most churches meet right you have a priest well that's not but Quakers do Quakers and anybody who wants to talk in a Quaker service is welcome to all they have to do is just stand up it doesn't matter if you're 60 years old or if it's 6 years old it doesn't matter if your male or female it doesn't matter if you are rich or poor High status low status no status none of that matters everybody has the right priesthood of all believers so before principles we talked about the first one pacifism the second one equality they believed the concept of equality that all people regardless of money regardless of titles regardless of genders regardless of days everybody is equal integrity they believe that Integrity is vital to a person that basically your word is your bond what you know to be right you should act on and if you say things and then don't abide by them or you are frequently lying about things and you're untrustworthy you lack integrity so they're basically saying your reputation matters how you conduct yourself making sure that your actions and your words are joined that's important that's the third president don't overly complicate things and do that and they believe you can practice moderation it's okay to have a cookie out of the cookie jar just don't empty the cookie jar in one city okay isn't bad but taking in moderation you can enjoy the pleasures of the flesh just keep it free so all of that is kind of part of Simplicity your life but still don't be afraid to have fun now the Quakers are absolutely detested by the periods appearance hate these guys every time Quakers come to town they start talking openly about their own ideas Quakers love to argue they love to provoke and stimulate arguments this is something they enjoy your favorite past time well the Puritan colonies they don't appreciate anybody who has a dissenting view from what the dominant view is that's a crime and so when Quakers go in there they're told to stop doing what they're doing and they continue they will get hauled into court and usually they will face Spanish no one famous case there was a group of four Quakers and this one is significant because one of them was a woman very few women were actually executed in puritan society it's mainly men who are being executed but in this particular one of those four they had gone into Boston and started talking about their ideas brought up before a magistrate who then vanished them they broke the banishment and came back in and started doing it again this time they sentenced them to death here they are on their way to the gala in the background they got that arrested there and Mary Dyer was famous because she was one of those four people executed so in effect in New England now William Penn allowed for a lot of freedom he charged very little rent he made some modest profit on his Colony but it wasn't exorbitant the tax rate were far lower than most of the colonies which the people love and it was a pretty easy going guy he let people basically run the colony themselves it was more of a democracy than any of the other colonies really approach there was one thing that he insisted on and during his lifetime he absolutely rigidly made sure that they followed it do not steal land from Indians and this is straight out of his Quaker police why what happens if you steal land from Indians they come back and what yeah they'll attack you so in other words stealing land from Indians what is it likely to do retaliation is likely to cause the war in other words violence they are pacifists they're supposed to avoid the possibility of violence so he's saying if you steal Land from the Indians eventually they're going to get angry and attack your actions are directly causing Warfare and therefore if you want land from Indians make a deal with them freedom for it don't just steal it and people grumbled and complained but actually Pennsylvania ended up having much better relations with their neighbor in Indians than other groups do and it ended up being a much more stable and Safe Community to be in in a lot of the other colonies work so this actually ended up being very beneficial to Pennsylvania at least while William Penn was alive when he died they threw that out and they started doing things the way others did with predictable results violence there is one more Colony I want to mention and then I'll let you go the colony is Maryland similar to the pen family the Calvert family also we're friends with the King King Charles II and when he ran short of money because of gambling they frequently was loan him money he calverts specifically Lord Baltimore that was his title that's why Baltimore is the capital of Maryland today they named it after this guy okay so he gets the calverts a charter and they are Catholic the ability to set up a place where Catholics can go to avoid persecution the problem is when they put out that announcement oh yeah we're going to invite Catholics to come 90% of the people who come are actually they're coming for economic reasons start tobacco Plantation and it ends up causing a lot of problems between the Catholics and the Protestants there but it too was another Colony established for religious reasons specifically a Haven for Quakers New England was largely set up as Protestants Havens ones where the Protestants Calvinists especially were in control of that okay that's a good place to break so I will turn you loose now just a reminder Monday what's that do we meet on Monday no OK Google sometime during the day it's open from 12:00 a.m. All the way till 11:59 p.m. It's open for basically a 24 hour window all right