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  • Nativism continued

    • The Japanese
      • End of 1800’s early 1900’s big wave of japanese immigrants
        • Hawaiian sugar fields
      • Japanese Industrial revolution
        • Rise and power of industrialist in japan
        • The lack of land from Japan made America appealing as opportunity to buy land
        • Many arrived through california
        • Many California’s opposed Japanese naturalization (citizenship) like they opposed Chinese
        • Federal government would end up opposing the Californian’s push to block citizenships of Japanese BECAUSE:
          • Japan’s industrial revolution would need Carnegie Steel / Rockefeller oil
          • Japan needs the American industrialist to help with their own Industrial revolution
          • Most of Japanese immigrants are coming with money / assets
            • They come in w/ means, plans to own land, plans to stay
            • They have different mindsets of other immigrants
            • Educated backgrounds
      • Rock and Hard Place
        • California government officials are under huge pressure to change laws or be replaced
        • They create laws that sound impressive but have huge loopholes
          • These type of laws are called PAPER TIGERS
    • Segregation in California
      • Segregated a lot of spanish speakers (they can’t speak spanish)
      • Segregated chinese (they cant speak english)
      • They tried to segregate Japanese students, the Presidents says NO
    • WW2
      • Executive Order 9076 Japanese Internment Camps
        • Message to Japanese
          • “There can be a potential threat / danger to you during the war. People might want to take it out on you”
        • After camp, Japanese found that their homes, land, and everything were gone
        • 75% of Japanese in camps are citizens, 2nd generation
        • Some were able to work with their neighbors to secure their land / property
    • Filipinos
      • 1898 - US went to war / won vs Spain
      • Would win Philippines, first colony, signaling birth of Empire of U.S
      • Philippinos are citizens, can decide to move to US mainland, would emigrate through California
      • Catholic Spanish Speaking Filipinos are discriminated, but do not face limitations of their immigration
    • Native Americans
      • The Indian problem
        • English asked “What do you do with displaced Indians after you take their land?”
        • They would keep expanding borders, and keep pushing them
      • United States
        • Look at creating continental country
        • What would they do with the Native Americans if they expanded?
        • 4 Possible solutions
          • Assimilation
            • George Washington played of this idea
          • Separation
            • (reservation type of idea)
            • Thought of border of Mississippi river to act as border of countries
          • Enslavement
          • Annihilation
      • Principle of Highest and best use
        • If you have land and aren’t using it, we deserve it because we would utilize it
      • Civilization policy
        • Native americans must be civilized
          • Clothing, hair
          • Religion, christianity, schooling
          • Learn english
        • Native americans would poke holes in the Civilization policy
        • Sequoyah
          • Cherokee man who invented new writing system for Cherokee language in order to avoid civilization policy
        • Men must farm instead of women
          • English preferred Single crop agriculture
          • Natives rotated crops, because single crops depleted the soil
        • Become cotton crop plantation owners, have slaves
        • American style tribal governments
      • This whole process was to try to get their native lands
        • Try to convince them that single private ownership is the american way
        • Then they can try to get land through the single private owner
      • Tribal governments have Blood laws
        • If any individual tries to sell tribal land w/o tribes approval, they will be put to death
      • White start settling onto Cherokee land
        • Start creating plantation
        • Cherokee go about governor of Georgia
        • Georgia delegates responsibility to President Andrew Jackson
        • 2 cases go to Supreme Court
        • Both cases side with Cherokee
        • Jackson refuses to remove settlements
      • Educated Native Americans know what is about to happen
        • Jackson wanted to buy Cherokee land for $5 million
        • If we don’t take this, we will lose
      • Treaty of New Echota
        • Organized by Cabal (small group) of Cherokee nation to take over transition of land
        • Fraudulent treaty, not done with tribal approval
        • Due to blood laws, Cherokee tribe very upset
        • Jackson validates treaty, says I will recognize treaty
        • Jackson tells him to move or I will make you move
        • Rounds up Cherokee, months long process
        • Move by foot to Oklahoma at the end of summer, Winter approaches
        • 1/3rd of Cherokees die
        • Dumped in Oklahoma, no shelters, no planted food, nothing
        • Nearly half of Cherokees dead by next year
        • They were just first of five civilized tribes
      • Most people disgusted with the massacre of native americans
        • This is uncivilized behavior
        • The outcry of the displacement of civilized tribes had to shift public policy
        • The beginnings of reservations policy
    • Moving out of Navajo people from four corners, southwest
      • During civil war
      • Union concerned with gold in southwest
      • Did not want south to get gold and be able to trade
      • 300 mile settlement in Bosc Redondo, Eastern New Mexico
      • Terrible area landwise, gets terribly hot, no real soil nutrients
      • Nothing can grew there
      • 3 years post civil war, they allow Navajo to go back
      • Navajo got largest reservation of any group in US
        • However, much of land is not farmland
    • There will be attempts to get rid of reservations
      • 1890 most reservations established, mainland america settled, closure of the West
      • People believed Natives were going to die out in reservations
      • Myth of vanishing Indian
        • Believe it’s part of natural order
        • Indians are part of by-gone era, civilization is moving forward w/o them
    • Stereotypes changing over time
      • Westerners
        • Indians always bad guys for no reason
        • The Lone Ranger
        • 1960s 70s America suffering from bad pollution
          • Beautiful past that has gone by, nostalgia / romanticizedr
  • Questions

    • What is baton death march
    • How did this American society come up with that smart process of Americanizing native americans in order to try to trick them from their individual land ownerships

Japanese immigrants

1895-1910 biggest wave of Japanese immigrants in japan, the industrial revolution is called the meiji restoration. the rising power of industrialists in japan caused a huge wave of japanese immigrants to america. the japanese who left japan to america left because of land. private land ownership in japan is super hard. (even if you were wealthy its still hard to get land)

the naturalization act prevented Chinese from becoming citizens. Californias started to push the government to apply the same restrictions to japanese people too the federal govt wouldnt give in

most people from Japan come in with money and a plan. they intend to live in America.

they start passing laws that sound like they try to restrict the japanese, but it has many loop holes.

those are called Paper Tigers

theyre a way to keep hotheads against japanese pacified, while keeping japanese people their freedoms.

Japanese went to white schools.

Executive Order 9066

japanese are rounded up during ww2 and put into internment camps during the war.

75% of the japanese that were rounded up were american citizens. after the war, they find that their stuff and land has been stripped away.

in 1898, the US and Spain went into war and the US won. all the people in the phillipines are now officially americans. technically legally the philippines is an american territory. fillipinos are now moving onto mainland america. they typically moved to central valley areas.

filipinos face discrimination but not limitation.

native americans

"America for Real Americans" nativism has a funny connotation with native americans.

the europeans when they first started coming to america, they had an "indian problem" they did seperation. over time as the colonies grew, they slowly pushed the line. when the united states takes over, that goes away and had a vision of a continental government.

the 4 big ways of dealing with the indian problem. 1. assimilation 2. seperation 3. slavery 4. annihilation


Sequoyah created a writing system for indians.

Treaty of New Echota


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Iron and cool deposits but not nearly enough to do the full industrialization so Carnegie gets to sell them all kinds of stuff also Japan has no oil none they have to import it and who's importing the oil to them Rockefeller okay so the industrialist here are providing all of the resources all of the machines all of the things that takes in Japan to industrialize really quickly in Japan has an exclusive deal with the United States now the us is under no Illusions Britain France Germany a whole bunch of other countries are all lined up behind us and we want to sell stuff to you too in Japan saying no no we have a good agreement with the United States but how long will that good agreement last if America starts discriminating against the immigrants from Japan it's in their best interest to keep Japan happy because then the industrialists make more money and that ultimately is why the Japanese end up being different they come in different first of all the people who are coming in are coming in with means they're not coming in broke and desperate at least not most of them most of them are coming in with money and a plan they want to own land that's something they can't have at home and with that they are coming with the intent that they are going to settle here permanently this is a permanent move they are leaving Japan to come to America and they are embracing America as their new country they still love their Heritage but this is going to be their home now so this is a conscious choice on their behalf to do this that makes them very different than a lot of immigrants who are coming in at this time they come in with me and they want to own land okay as they start settling in pressure starts ramping up on the politicians here in California can't you do anything to restrict them the politicians are stuck between a rock and a hard place here okay the position they're in is this if they don't pass laws the people are going to vote them out and replace them with people who do pass laws but if they do pass laws they're going to upset everybody in the federal government and major corporations and they don't want to do that either so they do the only thing they can do they pass laws that sound impressive and it sounds like they are making a genuine attempt to restrict the Japanese but they create loophole so big you can drive a freight train through it huge loophole these are what are called Paper Tigers that's what they do they create Paper Tigers they have a big Roar but no teeth and when California starts passing these laws that supposedly are intended to restrict the Japanese people back home at Japan are saying hey what is that what is California doing to to those people there we hear about all these laws and the ambassadors don't worry they can't make them stick this doesn't actually do anything it's public relations this is a way to keep the Hot Heads pacified and still give all the Japanese people all the freedom that they need to operate and Japan goes okay we can understand that they have to essentially save things and that's something that is very much part of Japanese culture so as long as they're not being imposed upon but then California tries to do some other restrictive things now when I say segregation especially in schools where do you picture Alabama Mississippi places in the Deep South right big segregation do you immediately think of California as being a state that was big on segregation is segregated to they just didn't necessarily focus on African Americans they segregated a lot of the Spanish-speaking population ostensibly because they said well because they speak Spanish they wouldn't do well in English schools so therefore they should be in their own schools so they were able to justify keeping especially the Mexican population out of the white school system but they also segregated the Chinese out saying well they don't really speak English either they speak Chinese therefore they should be segregated out they tried the same thing with the Japanese when the Japanese wanted to send their kids to the American schools and at that point the president stepped in and said no you can segregate anybody else out you want but the Japanese go to White schools and they were so stunned at this I mean this wasn't a well let's talk about it this was an absolute no we're drama line there and they just kind of went so we're just supposed to take it I thought we were supposed to no the Japanese go to White schools and that was it the Japanese were sort of the exception to the rules they put up all these other barriers but the Japanese students went to the white schools now they had this cry out about how the yellow Peril had started up again that's what they referred to the Chinese way of immigrants during and a little bit after the Gold Rush was the yellow Peril and they start saying well the yellow pearls starting up again no matter how loud they complained the federal government did not budge and as a result the Japanese as a group fared far better as immigrants than most of the other immigrants save those from Western Europe tours if you're a Western European Protestant you're welcome to open arms but if you or anyone else immediately you're downgrade Catholic Eastern European Japanese who came in not only had means but they were usually very literate very educated and they valued that education for their kids too and as a result they were successfully able to get their kids brought into those schools yes I don't know if that actually happened or not I couldn't answer that I haven't heard of any cases where that was true generally speaking the Chinese once they were ghettoized they tended to keep to themselves and they didn't usually out of self-preservation they didn't want to be seen Crossing those lines because they were caught they can open themselves up to all kinds of things including being deported so I haven't heard of any of those but it's possible that somebody did along the way at some point so the Japanese had a distinct advantage over most of the other immigrant groups all the way up until something changes World War II World War 2 completely upended the Japanese experience here in the United States they went from basically having a favorite status among immigrant groups at least legally speaking to being stripped of just about everything when the war started all sorts of outcry against the Japanese especially here in California but Nationwide really said well all these people who are Japanese in America are automatically a threat they could be saboteurs they could be spies we need to do something about them now Jennifer Hoover head of the FBI is the guy who is the one in charge of counterintelligence he's the one in charge of maintaining National Security and when he sits down and talks with Roosevelt he says we don't really have a problem with them the problem is with us now if you want to round them up for any number of reasons I would support but ultimately what's going to happen in this war he knows that in order to keep people focused on the war to keep them motivated he needed to make him angry he needed to feed that anger and that means that the propaganda is going to really upset people make them Focus make them want to stay pro war track so that they keep everybody going the same direction make sense okay so if you're going to ramp up the rhetoric and really focus on how bad the Japanese are and the Japanese are still very identifiably in the American public in the culture among the population everybody knows who they are they would become instant targets Roosevelt does something very controversial Executive Order 9066 the internment of Japanese during World War 2 the Japanese are rounded up and put in internment camps for the duration of the war now they could explain this to the American people well were were avoiding any possibility that some kind of subversive action may be done but for the Japanese they can explain the saying we're really trying to protect you because people are going to be really angry during the war and they might take that out on you personally and by putting you all together during the war until it's over that is safer for all of you and as a result you don't see a lot of Japanese resistance the Japanese however when they got out of the camps after the war was over a lot of them went back and found that their homes were being lived in by other people there whatever their possessions were gone they lost everything there are some people who were able to maintain their land when the Japanese internment was announced a lot of the Japanese had neighbors who were friends and who thought that this was a big Injustice After all keep in mind the Japanese had been here for you know for the most part 40 years thereabouts in other words the people who are living here some are first generation but most are second generation if you are born in the United States are you Japanese anymore no 75% of the Japanese were rounded up and put in the internment camps are American citizens and they are entitled to the same protection from their government as everyone else and here after the war they find their stuff has been Stripped Away some people were able to work with their neighbors to put their land in the hands of the legal hands of their neighbors and after the war they were able to get it back but most people lost everything they were able to get some compensation from the government after the war but it was a pittance compared to what they lost so this was pretty devastating to a lot of people following the war the racism against the Japanese will persist okay you're going to see anti-japanese sentiments come after the war and a good portion of that is because of the way the Empire of Japan behaved during the war there were a lot of atrocities against Americans especially early on when Japan was taking over the territories and then treating the prisoners very very poorly starving them feeding him to death all kinds of things happen the Baton Death March was something that really and they don't separate the fact that this is going on by an extremist Japanese government versus the people who have been living here all their lives they are Americans and so that disconnect is something that will take time to get over okay there's another group that you can call them immigrants but they're not exactly immigrants sounds funny doesn't it and that is the Filipinos in 1898 the United States went to war with Spain it was a war that we won and when we won it we took a lot of Spain's possessions in the Pacific away from them especially the Philippines the Philippines had been a big Colony a forward base in Asia for Spain to trade and we just take it over we basically make it our first colony that's when America becomes an Empire but in doing so it means all the people who are in the Philippines are now officially Americans by extension they have the same rights as Americans they have citizenship they have the right same rights that Americans have and that means if they want to come to America technically legally at that point the Philippines is an American territory therefore they want to come to America there's no restriction they're not really immigrating they're simply moving to a different part of the country get it but during this. Of time you see a lot of Filipinos come in and again they're coming into the West Coast they're coming in largely to California a lot of them go into the same places that Mexicans are largely Central Valley areas where there's agricultural work to be done so you see them go into those areas as well also keep in mind that some of the backlash against the Filipinos is the same back last you getting get against others beings as they were colonized by the Spanish what language do they speak Spanish good what religion do they practice they're Catholic they're Catholic and there's a backlash against that too but there's no way for them to restrict them so they know that the the complaints about the Filipinos will just be falling on deaf ears so the Filipinos while they face discrimination they don't face limitations to their immigration they see that to being from Asia being Spanish speakers being Catholics but that's the same kind of thing that a lot of other groups are getting to but they're still a fairly significant group that move into the US dreams. Okay let's talk about a different group here for now we talked about nativism now we're moving on and going to talk about Native Americans now do you remember the catch phrase for nativism America for Real Americans think Native Americans might be kind of going haha yeah who are The Real Americans we are you took the place from us so nativism kind of has a funny connotation with them Native Americans as Europeans start coming into the Americas and they start displacing Native Americans the Europeans have what becomes known as an Indian problem that is once you put the Indians out of their territory and take it over for yourself what do you do with the ones who are displaced the Indian problem well for the Europeans it was it was a pretty simple matter that is most of the people here in the English colonies of Mainland North America practice what was known as separation keep them over there and we stay over here and as the colonies expanded a little bit they simply pushed that line out a little further so they said well now we're up to here but you stay over there we'll stay over here and then they expand a little further well you stay over there we'll stay over here and that's kind of how the English dealt with it they expanded where it was opportune for them but they knew that it was a limited thing they weren't going to go all the way out to the West Coast when the United States takes over however the United States has some vision of the possibility of creating a continental government a nation of Continental proportions and really it's when Thomas Jefferson gets in that they really think that this is going to be a reality so when the United States takes over and it basically inherits the English system and have to figure out what they're going to do with it they have to confront the Indian problem as well there are four basic approaches in dealing with the Indian problem and all of them have been used at one time or another during the interaction between Europeans and Native Americans so what exactly are they well first make the list what are the four ways somebody give me one of the things the Europeans can do in their relation with Native Americans were pushed off their land what do you do with them ideas what's that assimilation make them part of our society yes that is one of them this is saying we can make them part of the United States they can become American citizens and be part of this larger country so just because we're kicking off their land doesn't mean they can't be part of America they can be part of America so let's make America assimilation what else might be enough option for them okay reservations are sort of part of a separation ideology okay they're over there we're over here this is something the English have been doing and a lot of people were wondering if maybe they should continue a lot of people Envision that the United States would only go out as far as the Mississippi River and so a lot of people have this idea that well maybe everything west of the Mississippi would be Indian country and everything east of the Mississippi would be the United States and so some people were playing with this idea saying well the Indians can have all the land out there and we can have all the land over here and you know maybe maybe that'll work so separation ideology went through a lot of different transformation we'll talk about some what else could you do with the Native Americans that have been displaced yeah reservations that's kind of in the separation category that just gives them a destination do you think that the people in charge of the United States are going to compensate them at all for anything probably not they're not looking at giving things to the Native Americans they're looking at ways to take things from them and keep them while dealing with the people that they're displacing so what exactly can they do with those people they can make them part of society they can separate them from society but there's two more possibilities what else could they do yeah they could well they could try but deporting them to where I mean they live here so deporting somebody means sending them back home but they're already home so you're kicking them off of their land so but it's possible you can ship them off somewhere I suppose but that would typically fall into the separation ideology too what else huh wipe them out annihilation slightly more Extreme as we go what's this one what's that slavery enslavement yes that is number three yes those are the four big ways of dealing with the Indian problem from the European perspective now the United States is coming to grips with well if we kick the Indians off of their land and we keep kicking them off and we maintain this separation what happens when we've expanded so far there's nowhere to kick him off too what do we do with them then so some people are already asking the question what if there's no place for them to go we've been pushing them on to land that we don't have yet but eventually what if we take it all over what do we do with them and George Washington was the first one really in government that said maybe we should try making them Americans so he is actually shifting from the English approach of Separation up to and assimilation idea he says Indians are actually highly intelligent very hardworking and industrious and if we work with them we can get rid of the negative parts of their culture as they saw it and replace it with an American one they can be Real Americans like us notice the Assumption of superiority but what are these things really Justified there's an assumption for European Americans at this point that they deserve that land. The Indians are less deserving. They aren't putting it to good use therefore we have a right even a responsibility to take that land away from them so that we can use it better than they do. Principle of highest and best use says if you have land but you're not using it then it really is more rightfully our land because we will use it better than you so we are justified in kicking you out its called the principle of highest use. Ultimately this is a smoke screen this is pure on a date pure unadulterated at the heart of they're trying to justify their Landry this is a land graft okay so when it comes to enslavement has that been tried?  Jamestown settlers tried it with no success. The Carolina settlers the people who came up from the Caribbean and they were the first ones who really brought slaves in they had this idea well why don't we sell the slaves off into the Caribbean? We know we can't enslave them locally but we can make some money by selling them down there and some will enslave the local Native Americans and ship them out to the Caribbean. So that was done on a limited scale. Trafficking them as slaves. Others will engage in wiping them out. So all of these things are things that have been tried at some point by someone. But when the United States takes over and they have to come up with the First Federal Indian policy that is the official policy of how the American government is going to deal with the Indian problem. The first one becomes the civilization policy they want to civilize the Indians. And the Indians are saying what are you saying we're not civilized? Civilized than you what exactly do you mean when you want to civilize us? Well what do they mean?  What do they see that they don't like? Clothing and hair cut your hair where European stuff close or for women wear dresses. Be respectful.  What else do they have to do if they're going to be civilized?  What's that? Yes convert to Christianity missionaries go in and force. And the missionaries find that some of the best way to do that is how? Schools. Education. Now that takes us into a different direction you have to learn English if you're going to be educated. It's civilized to be speaking English and they say it now wait a minute here. The French don't speak English. Are they civilized? At this point America has to sort of back pedal well of course their civilized but well they have a writing system just like we do but you don't have a writing system therefore it's really best that you speak English so that you can learn how to read and write too. So what you're really saying is it's not our language you have a problem with it's the fact that we don't have a writing system. Okay we'll create a writing system. The civilization project just went on its first tangent okay and basically they tried setting up a pilot system where five tribes were put into the civilization program all of them were in the southeastern United States. The Cherokee are the most famous of them but the five were the Cherokee Creek Seminoles the choctaws and the chickasaws those five all went through similar experiences. So they are even still referred to today as the Five Civilized Tribes because they went through the civilization program. Now, A guy by the name of Sequoiyah. Sequoia he was a Cherokee man who invented a new writing system for the Cherokee language it's called a syllabary which basically gives a specific symbol for a sound that is made in the language and he created a very good readable language that is still utilized today in the Cherokee territory they have a Cherokee newspaper that is printed in both English and in Cherokee which is kind of an interesting thing so this is still very much alive form of writing okay so they have to live like Americans dress like Americans cut their hair go to school be educated and most of them in fact you learn English and learn how to read and write in English and they go to English schools English speaking schools what else well remember the issue that the Europeans had with women doing the farming is it okay if you're going to be civilized men have to do the farm and the men just kind of look at him you realize you just asked us to wear a dress right that's how it was to them it was like they just told all the men they had to be women they said okay let's say we go along with this we don't think it's a good idea but all right we're listening keep going well you have to grow things on your Farms the way Europeans do single crop agriculture focus on a single crop now the Indians were known for rotating their crops through the advantage doesn't complete the soil and the Europeans are basically forcing them to take a big step back because single crop agriculture depletes the soil over time your way we'll do it that way ultimately they will start forming the same way Americans in the South do now what Americans in the south do as far as agriculture at this point what's their big single crop agriculture? By this. Of time cotton has become the dominant form of single prop agriculture tobacco started America but it's kind of depleted the soil and they're phasing it out and selling the slaves down to the cotton areas well that's what they do they start cutting plantations they grow cotton they buy slaves they speak English they dress like the English Americans do they're doing everything that they are told they even create American style tribal governments that have their own tribal Constitution and they function according to the same basic Democratic Republican standards the United States they're trying to do everything exactly right however what is the big purpose of this remember what I said what do Europeans want land and the whole idea here behind the civilization program was to move them over to one more thing individual land ownership why easier to get the land away from one person than it is to get the land away from a whole big group of people you have to convince an entire tribe to give a plan they can't get people to do that unless it's at the point of a gun they know this but if they can convince the people that individual land ownership is what it means to be a real American then they can get that individual ownership and eventually gradually that land will be opened up for whites to own. And they'll be able to do without violence. That's the idea behind the civilization program however as soon as they float the idea of individual land ownership this is where all five of the Civilized Tribes put their foot down and say no as a matter of fact they've established these new governments and they actually start passing new laws through those governments and those laws basically are called blood loss blood loss blood loss are past and they say if any individual tries to sell tribal land without the tribes approval they will be executed you can be put to death for trying to sell tribal land that's what a blood law is things start really heating up as white settlers start settling onto Cherokee land basically hear all of the Cherokee land is just really Prime cotton growing land and the Cherokees who are growing cotton and buying slaves and running their own plantations and whites are looking at that going man how come this is in the hands of Indians this should be an hour hand notice the Assumption of superiority whites start settling onto Cherokee land and starting up cotton plantations and the Cherokee do everything correctly they go to the governor of Georgia and see could you please get people off our land we have a treaty with the United States that says this land is ours and you've got white settlement on it governor of Georgia refuses says no take that up with the government of the us we have no part in that and we refuse to get involved in the presidency at this particular point was Andrew Jackson now Andrew Jackson what's his View regarding yeah he didn't particularly like Native Americans and he definitely doesn't like the idea of Native Americans holding on to that land remember after the war of 1812 he was one of the people going around forcing Native Americans at gunpoint basically to sign their land over to the United States he has absolutely no interest in seeing that land stay in the hands of Native Americans say well the only thing we can do is go through the system that's the only way we can operate in a civilized manner some people are saying no no we are we ought to rise up no no they take it up through the federal court system and two cases go all the way to the Supreme Court Worcester view Georgia and Cherokee Nation be Georgia and both cases the Chief Justice Marshall writes the opinion on both of them and both of them besides with Cherokee he says the Cherokee have a legitimate grievance they've got a legitimate treaty here and it's clear these people are violating their territory the US government needs to get rid of them Jackson's response well Mr Marshall has written his opinion let's see him in force and Jackson refuses to remove them now was Jackson operating legally no if the people of America at that point in time wanted to get rid of Jackson and impeach him did they have grounds yes but he wasn't impeached you know why because most Americans agreed with Jackson they felt that that land in the hands of Indians was a waste and that the sooner they got rid of all that land from Indian control and put it into white American control so they actually saw this as a good thing that Jackson was ignoring the Supreme Court the Cherokees who went through the civilization program the guys who ran cotton plantations with slave labor the guys who were educated in the American system all of them who went through all of that process of civilization they know what's coming they've been to the Northeast they were educated at schools up in New England they've seen what America's military looks like and they know there's no way they can ever stand up to America and win they've seen the patterns they know what's coming they say Jackson is coming to us now asking to buy our land for 5 million dollars which he did Jackson offered to buy the Cherokee Nation Lock Stock and Barrel for 5 million dollars you guys leave you can have land over in the Oklahoma territory for free we won't even charge you for it but we'll give you 5 million dollars for your land now and they said if we don't take this deal that land is just going to be taken from us completely and we won't get anything to show for now they're not operating within the tribal government this is a cabal a group of people acting on their own but they get together they approach Jackson and say we want to talk about this agreement and concluded a land transaction deal with you on behalf of the Cherokee Nation so they meet and they hold this negotiation and it results in something called the Treaty of new each other the Treaty of Newton is a fraudulent tree let's call it what it is okay it was signed by people to sell land that wasn't Theirs to sell at least they didn't have the legal right to sell it was not done with tribal approval and when the Cherokees here that members of their tribe had gone against the blood laws and sold their land for 5 million dollars and the Jackson now wants them to leave they're in an uproar saying they can't do that they can't speak them behalf of the tribe they were not authorized to do that this treaty is fraudulent Jackson says I see a tree here they are Cherokees right well yes they're okay then I see this as a legitimate treaty and Jackson holds them to it the Cherokees protest and they dig in their heels and say no we are not moving Jackson gives them a time a deadline move by that point or we will move you they call it they think he's bluffing Jackson sends in the army.  He starts rounding up the Cherokees putting them in holding until they're ready to escort them out to the Oklahoma territory on the other side of the Mississippi he rounds them up it takes months to do this rounding all up but finally they get them ready to move when they start the movement is part of the problem they start moving the Cherokees in late August the end of summer what's the problem with that they're in Georgia and they're going to move by foot to Oklahoma territory think about how far that is to walk so if they're leaving in late summer what's the problem winter is when they're going to do most of their walking and it's going to be brutal and in fact that's exactly what happened the soldiers try to keep the people marching at an army Pace now keep in mind the people who are in an army are people who are generally younger generally fairly fit but when you're moving an entire population you're dealing with kids you're dealing with mothers with babies you're dealing with old people who maybe don't move so well you're dealing with a whole range of people who are not ready for a movement like that and you're exposing them to the harsh winter elements as they're being moved in the middle of winter facing exposure and all the rest of that and a lot of people die one third of the Cherokees moved on this removal die before they get there 1/3 but that wasn't the worst of it when you read the textbooks they'll say it roughly 1/3 of the nation was lost in the removal they don't tell you what happened the next year do they when they got there they were just dumped no supplies no Provisions nothing this is your half of the land over on the other side of the river if you come back to this side of the Mississippi will kill you bye and then they were they had no things planted in the ground ready to grow they had to eat out some kind of survival they had no shelters they had nothing and so before all of this is over nearly half of the people of the Cherokee Nation die this was brutal what's more is they were just the first of the five tribes the other four are going to suffer a similar fate all five of the Civilized Tribes will be removed and they will be forcibly moved out by the army when the people here about how heavy-handed Jackson and the Army have been there's actually a lot of outrage in America it's one thing to dispossess people and clear up the land but it's another thing to wipe out somewhere between one quarter and one half of them in the process and people say you know I'm all for free and up the land but that was pretty bad on the part of Jackson and some people there of the mindset any good Indian is a dead in you in other words they don't have a problem with it but most people are saying this isn't right the way they're doing it isn't right now I agree that we should free that up so that the land can be utilized to its maximum potential but that doesn't mean slaughtering the Indians in the in the process this is uncivilized and that accusation starts to stick to Jackson and in his particular case it's probably fairly accurate he's not exactly the most civilized guy the massive outcry against the removal that was done for the Five Civilized Tribes forces America to change their policy again so the first policy that we talked about was civilization Indian Removal was this. That was the second big one but they're going to have to shift it to something else and this is where you get reservations now what's up on number one it was an attempt to assimilate people removal is moving down to option two it's clear we're never going to be able to convince them to sell their land like Real Americans therefore we simply have to remove them and take it and we'll put them on the other side of the river separation notice that number four kind of rings in there a little bit too okay reservations they found that the best way to create reservations was instead of moving people from here a long way away to somewhere else it was to instead leave them where they are just cut down the amount of land that they're on so instead of having this much land they then squeeze them down to this much land and that becomes their new reservation that way they don't have to move them from some place to some place they just have to cram them into a smaller piece of land reservation in place but there are still some people who undergo fairly extensive relocation programs as well probably the most extreme example of this was during the Civil War and this one was actually done for military reasons during the Civil War the big strategy of the Union overall was to deny the South goal with gold they can purchase foreign assistance they can purchase weapons and supplies they need a goal and so one thing the union wanted to do was keep the Confederacy away from any gold well a large amount of gold existed somewhere around the Four Corners regions of the US you guys know where that is I see some people we're talking about Utah Colorado Arizona New Mexico the gold that was down there a lot of people are saying well the Navajo Nation is down there in big numbers and they live on land where there's gold so maybe we should remove them out of there just so we can secure that area and make sure the Confederates don't get access to it we don't know which way the Navajo are going to go so why don't we just go in move them out we can secure that make sure that the Confederates don't get access to it if they had asked the Navajo who do you support they were full on for the union they didn't want to support the Confederacy they thought the Confederacy was a bad idea they didn't like what was going on and they were loyal to the US they wouldn't have opened it up for confederate mining but the union acted in a laterally and moved them out 300 mile relocation now it wasn't the time of year that was the problem it was where they relocated them to they moved them from more or less Arizona across New Mexico to settle in Eastern New Mexico in a place called The Boston Redondo the boss Redondo is pretty much the worst area of the United States land wise that you can get to it is horrible Death Valley and take a bit away as far as how attractive you guys know Death Valley yeah the boss Redondo first of all summers getting up around 125 126° happens all the time way up into the 120s this is where ultimately we set up one of our nuclear testing sites why because nobody in their right mind wants to live there that's where they were moved to that area Eastern New Mexico is really uninhabitable without outside assistance you can't Farm there the soil has no real nutrients and the nutrients it does have are eliminated because the water coming out of the ground is so heavily alkaline nothing can grow there the alkaline imbalance makes it so any plants that start growing up shrivel and die after they get about this tall the Navajo actively are trying to grow stuff the Army is out there they're going man and when the war is over Union wins the Army commanders in when can we let these guys go home this is not working out here it takes the government three years okay fine let him go home and eventually they say Navajo you can go back to where you came from 300 miles back 300 miles this way 300 miles back through the desert that was a brutal experience but when they got back the one compensation they did get the Navajo got the largest reservation created for any Indian group in the United States it is by far land-wise the largest part of it though is because Arizona has a lot of areas that it's not exactly an easy place to get a lot of production out of the land which is one of the reasons why they were willing to give it to him in the first place because there wasn't a lot of demand for farming settling to get on to that land okay so yeah there will be some attempts along the way to get rid of reservations but by and large all the Indians in America were more or less on reservations by 1890 that was the point where America said okay the United States has fully expanded after the Pacific all the Indians are on reservations they called this the closure of the West this era of Westward Expansion was now over and people started to believe that the Indians were going on to the reservation because it gave them a place to peaceably gradually die out and made from existence they believed Indians were basically endangered species that their time was over and they were fading from existence and that they would one day die out the reservations were essentially made as places where they could do exactly that paid from existence and die out with the understanding that when they died out the reservations would no longer be needed yeah how did that work out do we still have reservations oh yeah they're all over the place Indians Native Americans do they still exist bigger numbers than they had back then so far from dying out they're actually increasing now America because they no longer saw Native Americans in and around all of their daily life as they had for decades had come to the realization here that hey Indians really are Vanishing are they Vanishing no they've been put on these pieces of land and told to stay there that's why not seeing Indians but out of sight out of mind they're able to convince themselves that the Indians are actually fading away the myth of the vanishing Indian is born part of this is due to the separation approach if we don't have to see them maybe they really don't exist you can't see what I'm doing here back behind my my back and they're getting into trouble and they're looking straight at mommy you can't see it Mom's going laughing at the kids doing it well essentially that's what America is doing on a large scale if we don't see them they don't really exist we can convince ourselves that they're fading and one day we'll be right they'll be gone they believe it's part of the natural order the Indians are part of a bygone era of a Savage barbaric world that has being taken over by civilization and as civilization moves forward their way of life is dying out they convinced themselves of that that this is progress in Indians were standing in the way of progress and well some things that happen to them were lamentable ultimately it was inevitable the interesting thing is how the stereotypes will change and evolve over time for example when the rise of Cinema came in the early 20th century he had the motion picture camera the motion picture projector western movies were popular and they frequently had movies where you had like cowboys and Indians Indians were always the bad guys and they never seem to have a reason for being the bad guys they were Savages after all so they didn't really need a reason to be brutal they just were always the Perpetual bad guys all the Indians are coming they're going to slaughter us all the good settlers is that really true first of all if they came after you chances are they had a very very good reason and usually it was because you stole their land from them okay they kind of downplay that part well they don't really have a good reason to be angry with us to go and Slaughter us so that was kind of how it was portrayed yeah yes she's asking about whether they were seen as people or if they were dehumanized the answer isn't quite simple the answer is yes some people dehumanized them and said they're a little more than animals others said no they are real people and we need to save their souls and they will actively try to convert them and give them a good education and missionary schools to teach them not only religion but educate them along the way we're a staple on reservations this became normal where missionary runs schools were the standard okay so you see the cowboy and Indian Motif come out but then all of a sudden you start seeing little cracks come into it for example The Lone Ranger you guys heard of The Lone Ranger a lot of you are going yeah I've heard of him never saw it okay The Lone Ranger had a trusty sidekick what was his name anyone Johnny Depp was in one of the movies although it was horrible no you don't know his sidekick's name was panto a Native American and Tonto was seen as a good Indian he was the guy helping out the Lone Ranger but they're realized the real problem what was the name of the show again The Lone Ranger loan one what's Tonto comic relief isn't it the two Rangers no he doesn't quite get that status funny a scene in a more positive light so that all Indians are bad stereotype is getting softened over time something interesting happens around the 60s and 70s however America is suffering from massive pollution we have Atomic weapons that have been detonated on American soil radiation is seeping in there we have industry polluting the water polluting the air we have cars that have no smog protection and Los Angeles now has a brown Haze hanging over it that is so thick you can taste it get up in the morning and all of a sudden Indians start being portrayed in a way where they're looked at with nostalgia well back in the Indian. Yeah they weren't quite as advanced but you know what they respected their environment they embraced it they took care of it and look what we're doing to it are we really civilized or maybe they were civilized and suddenly they become looked at as this beautiful past that's gone by where things were pure simpler better and they weren't polluting everything and this stereotype is one that really gets embraced I want to show you real quick exactly what I'm talking about one of the most famous ads okay this is now known as The Crying Indian commercial I'm going to give you some exposure to it so you can understand exactly how Native American imagery is being used in this context. The Crying Indian Ad.