1460 Feb 8

  • Ideas of nativism: Save Americans instead of other immigrants
  • First anti-immigration sentiment was in response to mass immigration of Irish / Irish catholics
    • Irish were refugees from potato famine
    • Irish were more focused about
    • Stereotypes about Irish immigrants
      • Take jobs
        • After war of 1812 ends (1815)
        • Embargoes of 1807 & 1813 limited cloth from England
        • Loll’s First successful factory of textile mill; industrial revolution ensues
          • Wanted to have better wages than what England’s factories offered
        • Other factory competitors go for cheaper labor; Irish immigrants are cheaper; eventually cheap labor succeeds; wages drop
        • Factory jobs make artisan jobs obsolete
  • Irish are socially excluded
    • Irish are trapped in this social dynamic
    • Form Irish ghettos
  • 1836 - Free land given 160 acres for 5 years, allowed to keep land if they improve upon it (housing, etc.)
  • 1830’s
    • America starts building railroads
      • Hard job that pays well
      • Irish decide to take these jobs
      • Irish big labor force of eastern half of continental railroad
  • Irish try getting public service type jobs; becomes tradition for Irish family
    • Police officers
    • Firefighting
  • Hostility of Irish
    • WW2
    • Many Americans were anti-semetic pre WW2
    • After holocaust; many felt bad for Jews / didn’t want to be aligned with hitler’s views
    • American public felt like they must open up the ability to tolerate other religions; other than protestant
    • Birth of Judeo-Christian worldview
    • JFK Irish-catholic President
      • Op-ed in newspaper saying “catholics are almost white”
    • Let’s forget about Irish being a problem, there are other problems
  • Texas-Mexican war
    • Happens when slave owners join Mexico in Texas and clashed over slavery
    • Texans declare independence and apply for statehood in the United States
      • Transition of Presidencies Andrew Jackson to Van Buren to Polk
      • Polk wanted to expand U.S.
        • Wanted ports of San Diego, San Francisco, Puget Sound Seattle
        • Puget Sound secured through deal with England
        • Polk accepted Texan application for statehood in order to help expand Westward
          • North and South notice Texas is a territory that practices slavery
          • Disputed Texas territory
          • Said nuezes river ended border, not boundary from river
        • Polk wanted to buy rest of disputed territory along with California
        • Mexico initially said no
        • Polk crosses boundary with troops to try to cause war; Mexico declares war
  • Mexican American war 1847-48
    • America loses about 13,000 troops
      • 11,000 died of dysentery, not even war related
    • Mexico loses many
    • Americans move into Mexico city, forces deal of expansion of U.S territory
    • Gain control of Upper California, Arizona, Parts of Utah / Colorado, disputed Texas, New Mexico
    • Polk gains most of continental United States
    • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended war
      • U.S had to allow anyone staying behind in Mexico to gain citizenship
      • U.S need to protect property rights (partially would accept this)
      • IF they are well enough defined
      • Rancheros of California
        • Half million acres to 2 million acre rancheros
      • U.S disputes the land, shrink large rancho boundaries to 10,000
      • Small rancho boundaries were mostly recognized
      • Would only recognize ranchos that applied within two years of treaty
        • Treaty info misleading
        • Only in english,
        • Some mexicans got application through lawyers
      • Americans viewed Mexicans as Irish that don’t even speak english
  • 1848 California Gold Rush

    • Americans that settled in area
    • Sutter’s Fort
      • Needed saw mill due to foreseeing mass immigration that would ensue in California
      • Sutter’s Mill
        • American River (Coloma California)
        • Installation of water wheel / mill raise leads to discovery of Gold
        • This berths the Gold rush
    • Northern Californians got into Gold Rush first
      • Native Americans, Californios (that fully assimilated to Spanish life, native American spanish speaking Catholics)
      • Mexican
      • Spanish
    • Second group of Gold Rushers
      • Southern California / Mexicans
      • Oregon
      • Hawaii
        • Asians, first time many saw Asians
          • Short asians,
          • Long hairstyle
          • Observed their lifestyle,
          • Their food
        • Chinese Whispers (telephone game)
          • Talked of mountain of Gold in California
          • Starts Chinese immigration
          • 1850 1,000 Chinese immigrants
          • 1852 25,000 Chinese immigrate
    • Typically North Easterners are the ones migrating to California
      • Tensions between North and South have been rising
      • California will be ¾ of people that come from North East
      • North Easterners did not like seeing Indians digging for Gold
      • Viewed anyone that spoke spanish as Hispanic (could be Indians, Spaniards, Mexicans)
        • Indians and Spanish left, did not like the treatment
        • Mexicans tolerated some of the treatment until unfair taxes placed on them
      • Chinese were different, they typically were indentured servants
        • Could not pay for passage back to China
        • Hostility drives them into Ghettos
          • Chinatown San Francisco
    • 1854 California Supreme Court Ruling
      • Scientists believes that America was populated through Ice bridge from China / Asia
      • Chinese are Native Americans
      • Native Americans cannot testify in court, therefore Chinese cannot testify
      • This allows for open abuse for Chinese people
      • At this time there was need for railroad workers in freezing conditions
        • Chinese
      • After transcontinental railroad is linked, many Chinese workers stay
    • African Americans in Gold rush
      • Many have come to California for gold rush
      • By 1850 roughly 2,000 mining for gold
        • Most free,
      • Tensions between Northerners and South rising
        • Many people didn’t want to be viewed as a “Southerner” by abusing black people
      • Black miners do typically well
      • Typically did not receive as bad a treatment
    • Chinese
      • 1870’s economic depression
      • California putting pressure on U.S gov to stop Chinese immigration
      • Naturalization Act 1870
        • If you are of Chinese ancestry, you cannot become citizen of U.S (up until WW2)
      • Chinese Exclusion Act 1882
        • Limited amount of immigrants that could come from China
      • Gender difference
        • By WW2 there are only about 60,000 Chinese from 100,000s
  • Questions

    • Hostility of Irish seems to have quickly died over the last 100 years