1460 Apr 12

  • Industrial revolution
    • Artisans
      • 3/4th of American population are middle class artisans
      • Consumer revolution > industrial revolution
      • Industrial revolution takes many jobs and lowers wages for artisans
      • Mass production makes goods cheaper
  • Before War of 1812
    • Jefferson’s Presidency
      • British French bad relations rising
      • America trading with both
      • British / France wanted to put pressure on America to only trade with one
        • Both sides would harass sailors
    • 1807 Jefferson’s Embargo
      • 2nd most restrictive trade regulation in American history til this day
      • America’s economy dropped 80%
      • American public blames British
        • Number one export is textiles
      • Shortages
        • Clothes needed
    • 1808-1809
      • Desperation in american public
      • “Crisis can mean opportunity” - Frances Cabot Lowell
        • Would go to Britain; textile mills; study them
        • Would make sketches of what he saw
        • Would eventually succeed
    • War of 1812
      • Huge desperation
      • American civilians would trade with British soldiers
      • James Madison
        • Embargo of 1813
        • Most rigid trade law ever
        • If you trade w/ british, you can be prosecuted for full extent of law
    • Lol able to create fabric factory; does not have any competition
  • 1789 Samuel Slater
    • Tried to create factory but could not compete with Britain
  • Lowell in Massachusetts; Company town
    • Did not want poverty that he saw in England
    • decides he will pay good wages;
    • would hire girls; wages just as good as men
    • dormitories
    • Limited work day
  • New textile mills rise after the war
    • New ones do not follow Lowell’s economic system
    • Hire the Irish for cheap wages
    • Lowell eventually must abandon system
  • 1780s
    • Slavery’s high cost
    • Constitution originally had 20 year moratorium on slavery
    • Cotton prices dropped globally
  • 1794
    • Eli whitney cotton gin
    • Cotton and textile mills flourish
  • Era of Good feeling
    • Just won a war against world power
    • Moving into industrial age
    • Cotton in the south, textiles in the north
  • Transportation
    • Steam ships
      • 1818 -
      • Digging of 364 mile ditch across state of new york; Connects hudson river to lake eerie
      • Erie Canal
        • Most profitable canal in American history
        • Would increase businesses range of business
      • Ships go 8-12 mph
    • Railroads
      • 1830s
      • American trains
        • Evolve from 25-55mph
        • Built for speed
      • British railroads
        • Build to last 20mph
  • Obsession w/ time
    • America is new yorkers on crack
    • Alecxsis De Tocqueville “Democracy in America”
      • Observes bizarre american phenomena and writes about it
  • Rising materialism; declining morals of america
  • Economically
    • People in north and south getting rich; rising wealthy class getting VERY wealthy
    • Northern wealthy
      • Diversification; invest in many areas
      • Build new factories that make other products
    • Southern wealthy
      • By more land
      • By more slaves
      • Make more cotton
      • Actively shun industrialization in south
  • 1840s President Polk
    • Wants to finalize continental United States
      • Believes, in order to be world power, needs access to two oceans
    • Wants Mexican land
      • San Diego and San Francisco 2nd and 3rd best ports on west coast
    • Puget sound; best port in North America
      • Would like to split oregon;
      • Dividing line would give America Puget Sound
    • Offer to buy Mexico for 15 million
      • Wants to buy disputed land in Texas
      • Would send troops in disputed territory; Mexico would view that as act of aggression
      • Would take Mexico city by city until they get to capitol; mexico city
  • Sutter’s fort
    • John Sutter; more of technical business partner
    • Started in mexican period
    • Would invest in lumber mill;
    • James Wilson Marshall; business partner; hands on person
    • Discovery of gold
  • Mormon group that left Brigham young and Utah
    • Led by Sam Brannon - Treasurer of mormon church
      • Held the money
      • Printing press in San Francisco
      • Runs store in Sutter's fort
      • Receives gold for goods
      • Follows group at Sutter’s fort; witnesses them panning river
    • Investigates how to mine/ pan for gold
      • Writes easy guidebook; prints it at printing press
      • List all supplies they will need
      • Loads up store with all they need
      • Prints out flyers advertising gold
    • Would be first self-made millionaire of gold rush;
  • Hawaiians settling in california
    • Easier to get to california from hawaii than california from new york
  • Americans witness asians for first time
  • Native americans
    • getting harassed during gold rush; Californios
    • Those that haven’t assimilated
    • Anyone who speaks spanish a target; as results of spanish missions
    • “Diggers”
      • Stereotype slur for native americans
  • Foreign Miners tax
    • Trying to weave out foreign
  • French revolution
    • French and german miners protest on tax; they get excluded
    • Mexican and chinese must pay it
    • 4000 mexicans leave immediately
    • Chinese can’t afford to leave
  • Black miners
    • Group of miners that does well; able to avoid hostility that mexicans native and chinese would receive
    • Many black people weren’t bothered b/c people did not want to appear pro-slavery people
      • Pro-slavery people would be harrassed by others
    • Roughly 2,000 black people were in gold rush; most did fairly well b/c people left them alone
  • California
    • In first years of statehood; would demand federal government to do something about native americans
  • After 1865
    • Big push to connect america by rail
    • Would meet up in Utah; transcontinental railroad would meetup; would initiate second industrial revolution