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1460 Apr 03

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  • 1977 Hellbot Heavens Gate
    • Mass suicide; space ship in comet
  • Beatles Inspire religious groups
    • Charles Masnson
      • Criminal since child; would rip off candy bars
      • In out juvenile hall; would spend most of his life behind bars
      • Early teens he would steal cars
      • Raped in prison; realizes rape is great psychological tool
      • Pimping; convicted of Man Act
      • Inspired by Elron Hubbard “Dianetics” book in prison
        • Dianetics would be foundation of scientology
      • 1967 told Judge he was more comfortable in prison but was let go
      • Goes to Berkeley
        • Berkeley known for protests and activism;
          • Sexual freedom, protesting Vietnam, Drug
        • Hate and Ashbury street
          • Known for most extreme rebellious extreme povs
        • Manson would rant on drugs
          • Had poor understanding of Dianetics
          • Druggies would like his rants
          • Met many famous people; knew Beatles; thought Lenin was a prophet
          • Manson would become obsessed w/ Beatles songs; would look for hidden messages
      • Helter Skelter
        • World is going to rebuild itself; Race war would happen regardless of nationality
        • Black People would win Race war; would not be stable society
      • Entertainment industry
        • Realized his great influence would happen in Southern California
      • The Family
        • Name of his follower
        • Would buy bus, follow Manson down to Southern California
      • Dennis Wilson of Beach Boys was a tenant; would open his place for Manson and followers
        • Wilson would quickly realize his mistake; witnessed Manson’s violence
        • Wilson would leave on tour; only left one month of rent paid
        • Manson would have to find a new place
      • George Spawn’s old Ranch
        • 80s year old man with old ranch
        • Bargained service on ranch for free living
        • Family would actually upkeep the ranch
      • Lynette’s job assigned from Manson to keep George happy
        • Lynette dubbed “Squeaky” from George
      • Helter Skelter
        • Plan to attack famous people to initiate Helter Skelter
        • Manson wants to get in front of camera
        • Famous director’s pregnant wife Sharon Tate at home
          • With 3 friends
            • Woodrick Frankowski
            • Sharon’s Ex boyfriend
            • Abigail Folger
        • 4 Family members sent to kill everyone there
          • Cut phone line
          • Scale wall
          • Would see Steven Parent 18 year old pizza delivery boy
            • Parent is first killed by family
          • Charles Watson “Tex”
            • Only person w/ gun, everyone else with knives
            • Watson would start killing
              • Frankoswki killed brutally
              • Shot twice and stabbed 51 times
          • Folger stabbed 28 times before she dies
          • Tate stabbed 16 times
      • La’Bianca Murders
      • Robert Hughes public defender
        • Denied for insanity plea
        • Manson never put on stand; never got in front of camera
        • All sentenced to death penalty
        • Hughes would die
    • Squeaky Lynette
      • Wants to get Manson in front of camera
      • Assassinate President Gerald Ford
      • Goes to DC
      • She is very easily identifiable, red hair, bright outfits,
      • Fails assassination
      • Out of prison today
    • Tex Watson still imprisoned
    • Suzan Atkins passed of brain cancer
    • Chino imprisoned two women
  • 1970s
    • Loss to Vietnam
    • Loss of trust from Nixon, American government and American people
    • After effects of 60s
      • Rock and roll unintended consequences
      • Kids out of wedlock, stds
    • Economic loss in oil crisis
    • 1973 kupar war backing Israel that would cause massive oil shortages
      • 4 hour lines for gas
    • Need for trust, coming to religion
    • Jimmy Carter best quality person ever elected
      • In terms of character
      • Some bad decisions in times of crisis, seemed as if they would pile onto him
    • 1980
      • Need for moral strong leader
      • New right
        • Resurgence of christian fundamentalism
        • Ronald Reagan
          • Moral majority; religious political activist group
        • Southern baptist preacher Jerry Fallwell
          • Some controversial topics he would take stance on
          • Equal rights amendment almost became amendment
            • Was very outspoken against it
            • Said women have an advantage being dependent on men
          • Abortion 72 roe v wade laid down
          • Need for military dominance; any attempt to weaken military was bad; for arms races
          • Prevent any legal representation for gay
          • Reinstitute school prayer
        • More conservatives respond to this; republicans benefit this ideology
        • Other protestant christians did not like Fallwell
          • Segregation world views
          • “ quote about not crossing lines of segregation;
          • God’s judgment for society that tolerates gay people; therefore Aids is the plague
          • Would maybe regret the effect of those policies later
        • Larry Flint and Hustler magazine
          • Friend of Fallwell
          • Fallwell would go after censorship; vulgar material should be censored, anti first amendment
          • “Slipper slope” became the rebuttal to this policy
        • First time drinking Kompari; commercials would have double entendre sexual jokes
          • Kompari add would be funny way to describe watching the NFL
          • Fallwell joke on commercial would become a famous case of libel
          • Freedom of press won on this supreme court case

Rough Transcript

Did you guys other than him have a good vacation hopefully you didn't hurt your arm yeah exam when is it next Monday do you show up no okay good we should finish off the rest of the religious materials today so you should have everything you need now where we left off last time did we talk about Heaven's Gate I kind of mentioned in passing Jim Jones right that's kind of where we stopped yeah Jim Jones and peoples Temple that is going to be the subject of the extra credit paper assignment so if you if you open the paper assignment there is a link to the film actually in the assignment itself you click on that link it'll bring it up and you can watch it on the internet so that should make it very easy for you so I would encourage you all to do the extra credit you don't have to it's optional but it is quite a few points so it's it's worth doing okay there were a number of Fringe religious movements that that really began in the 60s and '70s and the time kind of catered to that there were a lot of people who were looking for answers and some were looking in unusual places and so you'll see people gravitate towards some of these more Fringe ideas and we talked about some of the people getting interested in Eastern religions and how some of them became even a little bit more extreme like in 51 rajnisho in his movement but I want to talk today about another Fringe movie before we get to that one let's mention Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate is an interesting group to look at they are technically a Christian Splinter Group although they deviated quite a bit from that basically Heaven's Gate was originally founded in 1975 by a man named Marshall Applewhite and the group was called total Overcomers Anonymous however they found that that sounded more like a rehab group than a religion than a religious movement so they will later change that to Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate basically was a combination of Science Fiction and religious ideals Marshall Applewhite basically told his followers that he was the return of Jesus he is Jesus come back to earth and that when Jesus was here the first time couldn't reveal his true self to people because they wouldn't have understood at the time but now they would and that is that he was an alien he was from outer space another planet and he came on a spaceship and when Jesus was crucified ultimately that allowed his Spirit to go back to the Mothership and go home so that he can come back later and return and bring loyal followers back with him Marshall have a wife says Jesus has returned and guess who he was he was told he was followers as though d o and that's specifically is the top of the tone dough you know like Do Re Mi so it's a musical song the kind of people he attracted were people who were honestly nerds the people there all encourage conformity men and women dressed alike they had the same basic haircut androgyny was sort of the name of the game here you it didn't really matter whether somebody was a male or female they all look the same they all wore the same outfits they were these you seen those like silver exercise suits from like the 80s the people wore it was kind of like hey look I'm like the astronauts I'm like NASA yeah I can dress in that shiny silver jumpsuit just like the astronauts do well that's what they kind of wore they wore those sort of exercise suits that were bright silver and they all wore exactly the same kind of shoes Nike's all the same kind of Nikes they all had the same haircut have you guys seen Star Trek you know Mr Mr spot okay they all had spot haircuts they were basically prototypically Vulcans that's what they look like they look like the Vulcans from Star Trek and they talked and approached things the same way they were people who were more or less looking for some kind of connection however well in 1975 is when it was started the movement ended in the late 90s and it ended rather tragically 1997 saw something really cool happen yeah most of you probably weren't born yet I'm guessing in 97 does anybody alive in 97 one do you remember 1997 there was something cool that happened that year the hail bought comet came within sight of Earth the hilltop comment was not like Haley's coming Haley's comment you needed a telescope to see but you can get a good view of it when it did come in into view the hailbox you could actually see with the naked eye he did not need a telescope to see it that's what made it so cool you could actually look up and see the comment up there in the sky and it's like a little whisper there but you can see it and that gave him the visual he was waiting for he says see that comment my shift is here my shift is hiding in the tail of the hellbot comment and the reason is because technology on Earth has advanced enough to where they would be able to see my spaceship and so it has to stay hidden so it's hiding in that Comet but when it comes within range of Earth we need to release our true inner selves and join with the mothership and the way we do that is to get rid of these prisons that are locking us here the flesh is the prison and ultimately over a three-day period 39 people will commit suicide down in Rancho Santa Fe which is a community outside of San Diego now total total Overcomers anonymous had established itself early on and I think Oregon but they moved to a bunch of different places they moved to Canada they moved to Colorado they moved all over the place but they were forming one of these religious communities just like some of the other movements we talked about well at this point in time that communion was down in Rancho Santa Fe outside of sand San Diego 39 people will ultimately commit suicide they were very distinctive in that they were all they all died in bunk beds they look like military bunk beds in this place and all of them had a purple scarf over there upper torso in their face so they all had that they all had to go back next to their their physical body why would they need to go bag can all of their bags had exactly the same things in them and they were in there in exactly the same way they're all packed identically so Nikes and some other stuff were you know socks that were folded a certain way and placed in there a certain way all their stuff was in those bags so they were preparing for their Journey and then they committed suicide group The Heaven's Gate religious community they were a strange a strange Fringe group there was another group I want to talk about that was also a French group and similar to some of the others that we've discussed earlier they had a connection with some of the other influences as well for example The Beatles another group religiously and this group was headed up by somebody who was a born Criminal his name was Charles Manson heard of him Charles Manson was a criminal from the time he was a small child he started out ripping off candy from the local 7-Eleven and pretty soon he will Branch out to other things he will be in and out of juvenile hall throughout his childhood he will actually end up spending far more time in his life behind bars in detention then he will outside so more of his life is spent under somebody else's control when he got out and he was in his early holidays his early teens 12:13 to cartel he started boosting cars by the time he had gotten out and come back he had been raped in juvenile hall as a boy and he didn't learn the lesson that most people learn from race rape is bad rape can give you a great deal of power and control over somebody else he looks at rapes as a way to control other people seven and said your honor I don't want to leave I feel more comfortable here behind bars this is home for me I don't feel comfortable out in the world you should leave me in here and he said sorry Mr Manson that's not the way things work we have to Turn You Loose he gets out and he goes to where all the action is in the late sixties Berkeley Berkeley is the protest Center of America really the protest center of the world if you're upset about race relations you go to Berkeley if you're upset about the Vietnam War you go to Berkeley you're upset about the women's movement and women not having the rights to men do you go to Berkeley whatever your cause if you want to protest that's the protest capital of the world so the whole sex drugs in rock and roll scene was centered in Berkeley that's where people went the free love movement was in Berkeley the free drugs movement was in Berkeley everything was centered there and so when he gets out in 67 that's where he goes he locates in a section of Berkeley called the hate Ashbury District that's basically a cross street hate and Ashbury this is the area of the most activist the most extreme rebellion in Berkeley that's where you find it if you want to find people who are doing drugs that's where you go if you want to find people who have weird ideas about everything that's where you go this is the mecca for people who want to experience protesting and that's where he centers and it doesn't take him long before people start listening to him on drugs talking about all of the ideas now keep in mind dianetics is a very thick and heady book there's a lot of complex ideas in it and Charles Manson his only education really came within the prison system when he was out of prison he wasn't going to school he was committing crime when he is in prison that's when he gets the limited education that he has so don't think of him as a mental giant he may read this and interpret it a certain way but that doesn't mean he's understanding it for what it is he twist things around a lot but after you've had a lot of drugs his ideas start to sound really far out it's amazing how drugs will do that to you things that would sound completely crazy suddenly sound amazingly genius and he becomes known as a local Guru people start coming in hearing Charlie talk about things famous people start rubbing elbows with him he meets actors from Hollywood who are coming up there because it was cool to protest he met musicians who are coming up there he knew the Beatles he said down with John Lennon and hung out with them he became convinced that John Lennon was a prophet and then his songs were actually prophecy that he was writing that he didn't even know his own greatness but he was convinced that Lennon was a prophet he started being obsessed with Beatles music and he listened to it endlessly he listened to the song Yellow Submarine have you guys know that song for those of you who don't know it it kind of goes on and on and on and it's it's one of those songs that's kind of like you know 100 bottles of beer you know it just keeps going and and circling it's it's like a circular song well he starts listening to that song for hours on end one time after another after another looking for the hidden meanings and he does that with other Beatles songs too eventually it comes to the song Helter Skelter and when he gets to that song he says that's it that's the one he recognizes the prophecy of Lenin and says that's the song Helter Skelter and Charlie believes that he is the person who is chosen to introduce this prophecy into the world Helter Skelter he says Helter Skelter what is it it's a war that's coming where humanity is going to reinvent itself out of the ashes of its own complacency he says the world is going to all go to war all at the same time everyone everywhere and National boundaries are not going to matter it isn't about Nations it's about races this is going to be a race war the different races of the world are going to go to war with each other they're going to compete and he says blacks are going to win this war but as it comes time to rule everything they are going to fail not because they don't have the capability of ruling but because they don't have the experience they have been the victims of being ruled by others for so long that they don't know how to do it themselves so they're ultimately going to fail at it and then the whole world is going to fall into chaos it's going to come apart and a fragment of humanity Will Survive what comes and they will rebuild Society out of that that is helter skilled that is the idea that he's pushing sounds same yeah he's out there well he's out there he meets a lot of famous people and he comes to realize that his real influence is calling him to Southern California the entertainment industry the people that he has met the famous people musicians actors and what not they are located more in Southern California so he wants to relocate cell to be with the people that he has made these connections with he and his followers who have become to call themselves The Family later on others will call them the Manson family but they called himself the family they will follow Manson down he will buy an old dilapidated school bus and it's painted like psychedelic colors which was something big for the '60s they all did that and they will drive down from Northern California to Southern they start looking around for a place to live the problem is they don't really have any money they don't have jobs they don't they don't really have anything and he finds out that Dennis Wilson one of the Beach Boys is renting a place out in Malibu so he hooks up with Dennis Wilson and says hey my friends and I need a couple days to stay somewhere until we can find a place to live can we can we hang out with you and Dennis figures yeah sure why not he was kind of cool sure I'll do that it doesn't take Dennis Wilson all that long before he realizes that Charlie isn't cool the Charlie is insane and violent and dangerous and frankly he gets rather afraid of him he's looking for a reason to kick Manson out but it does not take him long before he realizes Manson ain't leaving he's moved into the home and he has no intention of moving out well fortunately there's two things going for Dennis Wilson one he's a musician and musicians go on tour and two the place is only being rented he doesn't own it so he talks to his brother Brian who was also in the Beach Boys and says hey Brian can you get a couple more dates schedule a couple more dates at the beginning of the tour let's get out of here early this guy scares the hell out of me and I want to get out of here and Brian says don't worry about it I'll take care of it so they schedule a couple more days to get them on the road earlier and Dennis Wilson basically says okay Charlie I got to go on tour with Beach Boys and you're free to live here as long as you want the the rent paid up till the end of the month after that you're on your own but feel free to stay here for the rest of the month bye and boom he's gone which is next to Malibu he goes back up in the hills where there is this Old Ranch and it's run by a man named George Fawn George spawn is 80 something years old and the ranch is dilapidated it's falling apart it was used in a lot of western movies so it was a movie set but now it has seen better days and he clearly can't keep the place up so Charles Manson gets the idea hey George if we agree to help you fix up the place and take care of the things that need to be taken care of will you let us stay here for free you know we're we're perfectly willing to work that work for our rent but you know we're having a hard time finding a place to live if you let us do that we'll take care of this place for you and George says sure why not so he makes that deal and they actually do that they do work to try to fix the place up a bit meanwhile Manson goes to his most loyal follower a woman named Lynette and says I want you to keep George happy now George is in his 80s okay so keeping him happy doesn't really involve too much you know this is the pre Viagra days so you know yeah perfect timing right so so basically it amounts to flirting with him keep him happy flirt with him and she does and he likes to play a little game where he'd come up and surprise her and picture on her back side and she'd make this squeaky little sound and he started calling her squeaky and the name stuck remember this because Lynette AKA squeaking is going to become important later so they're up there and spawn Ranch and he's looking for the opportunity to sit Helter Skelter in motion he wants to do it so he starts looking around for the opportunity and he gets an idea I know how we can get visibility we will attack the house of somebody famous and kill everybody there and that'll get us in front of the cameras and that'll allow me to start Helter Skelter that's what he wants shock value so he finds out that Roman Polanski a director who was famous by that point he had directed a very disturbing movie that nonetheless was famous by that point it was called Rosemary's Baby it's about a woman who more or less has the baby of the devil gives birth to the Antichrist anyway he becomes famous for this creepy movie and he has a wife a young actress beautiful woman named Sharon Tate who is eight months pregnant now he is on a movie shoot out in Europe so he's not in country but Sharon he doesn't just abandon her he makes sure that she has people around her that will help take care of her in in all of this time when the time comes that she has the baby he'll come back out and spend some time with her she is with three friends won't you frykowski is one of her is one of his friends from Poland they were both from the the country out in Europe and both of them worked in Hollywood so he was helping him out also JC bring which was Sharon's ex-boyfriend and was still her hair dresses it was Hollywood and then a friend of hers probably your best friend at the time a woman named Abigail Folger as in Folgers Coffee Culture yeah she was an Eros so these are the three people who are hanging out with her and Manson says I want you to go into that home and he selects four of his followers this is I want you to go into that home and kill everybody there come back to me when it's done so four of them approach this place now the house is surrounded by a wall and it has a front security gate kind of thing and they go okay so they cut the phone lines and they start scaling the wall only to see a young man 18 years old coming out the front door his name is Steven's parents Steven parents is a pizza delivery boy he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and Steven so sorry you're about to die Steven parent becomes the first person killed by Manson's followers they say well we can't have him turning loose the alarm letting them know that something is up so we have to take care of him kill him now so they kill him and then immediately charge into the home now one of them has a gun Charles Watson he goes by text Charles Watson is the only person with the gun the rest of them have state knives only he has a gun so they're not really all that prepared for this when they go in they see the four people there and they start tying them up and they are very very rough with Sharon Tate and Jay Sebring says hey she's pregnant 8 months you know he's up you're being really rough with her maybe you should let her sit on the couch or something text Watson shoots jcbrink kills him at that point would you break the direction this is going he sees an empty window and open window rather and says okay I'm going for it he starts taking off running for the window Watson goes after him and shoots it what would you cry then get back up and starts running some more he shoots it again he falls down gets up and starts running some more you just can't stop him he just keeps going and finally watching runs after him and tackles him and when he's on the ground he stabs him a bunch of times and would you cry gets up and tries to start running again now he's been stabbed who knows how many times and he's been shot twice and he's still getting up and trying to run he's tackled again and ultimately Watson will stab him a total of 51 times and shoot him twice before he finally dies yikes meanwhile while all this is going on Abigail Folger sees the Direction all this is going she sees that everybody's distracted with troikowski who just jumped out the window she picks a different window and goes for it and two of the three women who are still in the house chase after her only armed with steak knives they track her down they tackle her and they start stabbing her with the steak knives she is ultimately stabbed a total of 28 times before she dies and finally there's only Sharon Tate left she's the only one left alive they come in she's not going anywhere she's 8 months pregnant and she's tied up what is she going to do so they get to take their time making sure that they kill her right they stab her until almost 16 times a number of them are chest wounds but they are also stabbing her in the abdomen they are deliberately killing the baby they want to make sure both of them died they go back to Charlie and say okay it's done and Manson hears about how absolutely fumbled this whole thing was and he says this is ridiculous you guys are a bunch of incompetence I need to go along and make sure you do this right next time and so he says okay you guys are going to go into another house tomorrow and I'm going to go with you in the supervised to make sure you do it right and that will ultimately become the lobby so another set of murders happens now do they cover up evidence no they're not interested in covering up evidence they want to be caught why Manson is giving up public defender whose name is Ronald Hughes he tries to go for an insanity please they don't take it they want to go for the death penalty and Charles Manson I don't really care what you do so long as you put me on the stand Ronald Hughes knows there's no way he could give Charlie a legitimate legal defense if he were to put Charles Manson on the stand no sane lawyer would do that so he refuses and doesn't put Charles Manson on the stand Manson and several of his followers are convicted of the various murders and sentenced to the death penalty sentence to gas following the handing down of the sentences Ronald hughes's found killed and laid in a ditch face down so the remaining members of the family killed it he never got his time in front of the camera now one of the people who is still at large one of the people who was not implicated in the murders was none other than Lynette from squeaky I told you she would come back and Lynette wants to give Charles her his time in front of the cameras he wants to make sure that Charles gets the chance to start Helter Skelter I need to do something so big there's no way they can ever keep that camera out from his face he needs to get in front of the camera what can I do that would be that extreme and she has an idea she's going to kill the president of the United States that's her idea president of the United States time was Gerald Ford and so she does some investigating as to when Ford is going to be out in the public shaking hands and she plans to be there so she goes after DC with a gun that she purchases she has the gun and she is not exactly the kind of person who just blends she stands out she has flaming red hair correctly you guys ever see the Snoopy cartoons she kind of looks like Peppermint Patty okay she is a person who's born to stand out people notice her and far from trying not to stand out she dresses in a bright red outfit Scarlett bright red with a goofy stupid looking hat now this is a person who stands out how the Secret Service ever let her get within range of the president is beyond me he's practically screaming I'm here to kill the president did she gets about this far from the president holds up the gun and start pulling the trigger it didn't go off she gets tackled by the Secret Service and she's sitting there swearing under this pile of bodies I didn't know if it didn't go off it didn't go off as she's being hauled off with cuff she's laughing at the people taking pictures of her it didn't go off the gun didn't go off yeah yeah there are a couple different types of guns revolvers if she had bought a revolver Ford would be dead but she bought an automatic no automatics are good weapons as a matter of fact there's an extra safety features with automatics that revolvers don't have namely you have to chamber around before you can pull the trigger that's an extra added safety measure well she didn't realize that she bought a gun she loaded it and she took it and tried pulling the trigger it didn't go off why she didn't chamber the round like I said Ford was still alive because he was stupid around she was pointing right in his heart she got the trigger pulled several excuse me several times before Secret Service dropped him or dropped herbs so yeah she failed she was put on trial but she accomplished what she was after the media went and talked to Charles Manson in prison and he got to talk about Helter Skelter and show just how completely insane he really was meanwhile Lynette prom went to prison for the attempted assassination of the president of the United States now the interesting thing is she wasn't sentenced to life in prison she got out in 2009 she now lives in Orange County sleep well she's out now in 1987 she actually broke out of prison she managed to get out and everybody starts freaking out oh my God she's going to go on a killings Corcoran State Prison where Charles Manson was she was trying to figure out how to get in to see him that's what she was trying to do they caught her a couple days later just before Christmas and put her back in prison so she got out in 2009 now the rest of them that were put in in prison text Watson came up for parole in 2016 parole was denied he is still they felt really should have been executed but they understand the Supreme Court struck down the death penalty statute that they quickly rewrote to fit the legal opinion but the damage has been done and they absolutely did not want these women getting out now involved in the tape murders they were involved in the lobby oncommer but the teeth family was the one out in front why them their daughters the thing so people see them in a way that they wouldn't necessarily see the lobby on so they came out and pushed the case for everyone should not go keep them in the parole board and already recommended their release so they were said to be released at that point there's only one person who can stop Jerry Brown was faced with the decision what do I do he yanked it no parole for these two they stand so the Tate's Lobby women but period people were dealing with failure on a widespread basis they lost a war American history they lost the war now America lost 65, 000 soldiers in that war the Vietnamese lost 2 million people and they still won this war 2 million dead so many died people aren't feeling very good about the country what's more their national leaders they don't trust Nixon lied to them a number of ways and then tried to rig a presidential election he ended up resigning to avoid getting isn't it come up to a trial in the Senate he would have been kicked out he would have been the first president ever to have space death after he resigns President Ford hardened him pretty much guarantee that nobody would vote for Ford in the reelection news what's wrong with this country economically the 70s were a disaster we were in the midst of the oil crisis we had back Israel in the 1973 on the pro war and OPEC had embargoed oil against the United States caught the massive oil story with Atlantic huge gas line and all kinds of problems in America I remember as a kid activity drop the 70s in 1976 they want somebody who is religiously about to be depressed they're looking for somebody who is quality person ever elected in the presence now that doesn't mean he was the best president he had a combination of really bad luck things out of his control and some bad decisions on his part and how to deal with prices when he was getting submerged with them depended to pull inside the White House and deal with the crisis rather than he seen getting out in front of it meaning from the front and the American people it look like the crisis were piling up on him and he just couldn't handle political activist group they were trying to worry about political activism based on their religious ideas they were led by a southern baptist who creature named Jerry Obama who made a lot of controversial for the cause later on Jerry Falwell and the moral majority in the face of justice and not everybody likes that face there was a push for equal rights and a new constitutional amendment was proposed of the people right for men it almost became an amendment it failed and ratification by only a couple States but it almost got me shut it up and he came out very outspoken against him men and women are not equal but at the same time women get more Advantage out of not being equal then they do if they worry they've got a good they just don't know it so all the advantages that they happen again as well 1972 Landmark decision in other words you all know that recently roaming Wade was struck down and now there are speeds that are starting to Outlaw abortion again so we are returning to that he came out very strongly against abortion he says apportion should be illegal under any circumstance people say it should be illegal in the case of break or to save the mother's life he says that you need to be leaving for that it should be banned all the time another thing that the new America's military dominance in America used to be a great country because we were strong the reason we emerged from World War II as a world leader is because we had a strong military and any attempt to weaken that military therefore he imposed any kind of limitations of his weapons in other words nuclear weapons there were a lot of nuclear production treaties official religion of the United States and then reinstitute school program he wants to eliminate the device in both parties more people on the conservative side respond in support of them and so it's the Republican party it ends up getting the big Resurgence and support of of protestant Christianity did not like it he was the most definitely a southerner he was very outspoken about segregation wasn't the state Never Back here's a direct quote ishment homosexuals it's not punishment for the society that tolerance subtract from that thing reputation beyond all measure was the conflict he had with Hustler magazines publisher Larry Flynn Larry Flint the publisher hustle magazine is a pornography he's somebody who's putting out dirty and although constantly was going out for censorship was something that America should have when it came to you 2010 to Boulder anti-family material like pornography so he was very antiverse people in the media are saying well I don't really like customer magazine I couldn't stop drinking and it was a Sunday morning I went completely Blaster and gave my service insurance and then when I got home from church and he said hello had sex with his mother in and out now stress and the ability to suppress Free Press and ultimately the Supreme Court comes down Larry plant and his magazine and his magazine has every every right to attack him back his position trying to back towards HW Bush in his presidency presidential in religious political activism is that gone no you take a look at the political climate now and that Resurgence of the new right is still very active in fighting this war back and forth and religion is right here at the center the heart of the battle against how you come down on things so this is something important