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1460 Apr 24

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Anyone want to donate to the cause of paper put 1460-04 so I know which section it is and the date today is 24th okay so coming down home stretch 3 weeks left three weeks we've been talking about consumerism as it's approaching more of a modern approach and the automotive and cigarette Industries in that early 20th century did start changing things to fit but where the real water shed the real change of direction is where it really turns into Modern Advertising is World War I I changes everything World War II adopted a lot of production and marketing strategies that will forever change American consumers during the war they adopted a program that they tried in World War 1 and fail it's a concept called total war total war what is that mean basically it means that the government takes a direct control over the entire US economy and they tried to get everybody in the nation involved in the war effort in one way or another so that everyone is focused on the war accomplishing the goals World War one was an unpopular War America didn't want to get into it anymore they wanted to sit it out America wanted to remain isolationists however they understood the reasons they were getting in and grudgingly went along with it but at the same time they were never really popular about this war they the war was not popular world different why was World War II different than World War 1 Pearl Harbor because they were attacked it started with that attack on Pearl Harbor and that was an incredible motivator to get people focused on the war so all of a sudden this war is very different the other one they had to convince people well we really do need to go out and do it people kind of drag their feet some people joined up real quick you know but otherwise they weren't doing a very good job recruiting people and getting hearts and Minds in line with that and Total War will work much better in World War II so what exactly is involved in Total War well for one thing the government tells corporations openly what they will make not what they want to buy from them but it directs them it orders them to make certain things now is that technically constitutional no that's a violation of the Commerce Clause even during a time of war that technically is still crossing the line however when the government comes to companies like General Motors or Chrysler it says you're not making cars anymore until this war is over nope and they take a look at it and go well it is after all our Patriots they have confirmed buyers here guaranteed purchase it and the government is not cheating them they're paying them a good surprise okay so in addition to that you have companies like General Electric light bulb manufacturer right they're not making light bulbs they're making bomb fees can we get down on the traffic please thank you so how do they sell this idea how do they keep people focused how do they make people stay War Center convince people that it is their patriotic duty to commit everything to this war whether it's their lives or their livelihood or buying war bonds to help support the financial efforts how do they do it the answer propaganda now we already talked about the influence of Hitler in FDR's propaganda well this is where it kicks into high gear Hitler really gives them a road map on how to use it properly he is using propaganda in a masterful way he's using it for evil intense but he's good at it okay his people are good at it and the United States learns their lessons they learn how to sell ideas to the people to keep them focused you know what their tool of choices paranoia you have to always be on guard despiser Among Us if you ever vigilant if you live on the coast maintain good light discipline keep those curtains closed at night you don't want those enemies of Marines seeing where things are these are all sorts of different ways now was there really a risk with the Enemy submarines seeing light on the shore no but the whole point here is it creates this this atmosphere of paranoia against the enemy we have to stay focused we have to stay vigilant this is a war and the whole idea is you're doing your part you close your drapes you're helping the war effort you've maintain life discipline you are actively supporting America's War even if it's just covering your window also think about this so many people signed up immediately and went to the service World War one we had a fairly good volunteer rate World War 2 it was astronomical huge okay so paranoia becomes their weapon of choice this is where they learn a very important lesson and it's a lesson that the government still knows and uses on a regular basis so learn it if you want to get people to do what you want as a government you need a boogie man you need a bad guy because with a common Unified effort against a bad guy you can create National Unity this country was never more unified than on two particular days which arguably could be seen as the two periods of American History where the country was more united than it has ever been before at least since the revolution day one hey knock it off you want to talk go outside and talk you don't have to be here okay so how do they do it the boogie man you get somebody something to be afraid of and it creates Unity so what are those two big days December 8th 1941 the day after Pearl Harbor that day had more National Unity than ever before everybody was 100% on board the other day September 12th 2001 day after 9/11 Bush's approval rating even that early and understand he is only been in office for basically half a year his approval rating was down around 42% so people weren't really thinking he was doing too great a job to begin with the day after unfortunately he wasn't able to maintain it he went out with an approval rating down around 18% out that's when he left office so you can see the swing of public approval when something happens that the country is attacked and they respond in kind Pearl Harbor and 9/11 both are good examples of that so paranoia can be used to create a national Unity that is very helpful when you're trying to push concept like total war so all of these people are signing up for the war ever men and even a lot of women are getting in uniform at this point keep in mind that women going into combat wasn't common but at this point the military is recruiting women for for Army Services specially and they are using them for the administrative jobs back in Washington while the men are going out to combat so that's one way that they're able to pick up the slack there however all those able-bodied men they're from the Farms they're from the factories and now they're fighting a war overseas well what happens there's now a work shortage isn't it so we got to fill those gaps how do we deal with things like agriculture who grows the crops we've got a time of War so we need agricultural production more than ever but we don't have the farmers to grow it most able-bodied men just went overseas so how do you do it well during the Great Depression we spent basically the entire decade deporting Mexican immigrants who are working in the Central Valley because we were trying to make room for the Okies and other people who had migrated into California to have jobs so that they didn't have to compete against immigrant labor from Mexico so we were deporting them 10 years and we did not have a very good reputation with them and then in early World War II we went back down there and said how would you guys like to come back they started actively recruiting people from Mexico to come up and fill the labor Gap it became known as The Bracero Program The Bracero Program brought them in and did a lot of things that people have been resisting all that time and frankly still do minimum wage good living conditions Healthcare all those things were guaranteed to them by the federal government if they agreed to come up at this particular point in the time of War they got a lot of people who responded the bra serial program was actually very successful and it took care of probably 2/3 of the labor problem that they had to fill so it was a good stop Gap we made it work but also they encourage people to do something they tried in World War 1 to limit it success but it was far more successful in World War Two the encouraged everybody at home if you had a backyard to start a victory garden victory garden if you want to win this war we need to be able to feed the troops which means we're going to have some shortages so you can help out on a personal level if you can grow at least some of your food so they encourage people to start a vegetable garden in their backyard to help alleviate some of those problems and it actually had a dent but more than that it made people feel like they were part of the success he gave them a sense of patriotism a sense of nationalism they were contributing however limited it might have been everyone had an opportunity in one way or another to feel like they were part of it that they had a personal stake in it so National Unity was a big deal now after the war is over oh I haven't dealt with another big shortage the shortage in the industry how do they deal with shortages in the factories in the shipyards in the airplane manufacturing plants if they're going to have to have huge amounts of production out how do they deal with the shortages there they're not recruiting immigrants who do they recruit for that women they were group women for the first time in American history women are being openly encouraged only we're going to men not just industrial jobs women have had industrial work before but it's usually very detailed work technical work but not particularly physically taxing they don't have to do a lot of heavy lifting all of that changes they need women to do the big heavy industrial jobs they need them to become welders in the shipyard they need them to use the rivet guns in the air screen in the aircraft Factory in the shipyards as well so they need them to do these heavy labor jobs that only went to men up to this point and this is where they get one of the most successful propaganda campaigns in history the Rosie the Riveter campaign now most of you have probably seen Rosie the river she's woman dressed in red white and blue with a yellow background danger we're at a time of war and it says we can do it and she's sitting there with a muscle showing that she's strong now this was highly effective because all the sudden the women realize it was their patriotic duty to get out of the house and get into the factories and go to work and what's more is it blurred color lines they weren't just recruiting white women they were recruiting all women and so there's a lot of pictures coming out of this period where you see black women and white women working together in the same factories completely cooperate and then it's working so this is also one of those hitches that is starting to show the cracks in breakdown of civil rights and white white supremacy we're going to see the rise of the civil rights of the good comes out of World War II this is where some of those cracks started started to appear in the factories as these women are working side by side they picked up the slack and they did the job okay World War II was unique and so many ways so very many ways every single war in American history to date including Afghanistan has had a big downturn after the war is over economically when the war ends less money is being thrown into the economy by the government production slows and the economy takes a debt sometimes it's more drastic than others World War II however a lot of people were scared about that reason being World War II pulled America out of the depression and the last thing anybody wanted after five good years of prosperity during the war the war was great for the economy and people at home were living large nobody wanted to go back to the depression and it was one of the big driving forces of the government to make sure that after World War II happened that the economy would keep going so they came up with a program to make sure it did World War I want a World War 2 excuse me is the only war in American history where the economy actually continued to get better rather than taking every other War the economy tanks that made World War II distinctive and yet another way so how do they do it up to this point the American dream has been a somewhat vague concept it's an idea tied to opportunity and hard work and then you can make something of yourself and go after that American Dream It's all about America being the land of opportunity but at this point in time the American dream takes Focus it becomes a lot more specific it takes form you can see it you can smell it you can taste it you know what the American dream is and I would bet that everybody in here well at least the vast majority of people in here would know exactly what that is okay so let's try something everybody close your eyes and try not to go before okay visualize the American dream in your mind see it as a picture paint it see it's colors see it's form look at what's there and who's involved okay now open your eyes what did you see yeah my family a family okay how many a lot okay some people will see a really big family lots of kids but typically during this period of time this is where we get a new model for America what is the standard two kids boy and a girl keeps it out of confusion everybody's involved in the American dream boys and girls alike okay where do they live Suburban this is a Suburban dream okay problem is a lot of the cities have not yet built suburbs a lot of them are still very much Urban huh come back to that what else do you see what color is the house describe it to me does your house have a color or did you just see a wood house there paint it what color is it white it's usually a White House in the American dream for some reason I don't know why but I've had people say other colors before but white typically is the one that's most of do you have just Concrete in the front of the house what do they have big lawn right what's on the lawn couple kids playing Maybe what are they playing with a football yeah they might be throwing a football around what else are they playing with what jump rope okay dog yes what kind of a dog Golden Retriever a big happy floppy dog he's having fun his comes wagging all over the place jumping around and racing around with the kids right no rat dogs allowed it's got to be a big happy fluffy dog and cats use you with all sorts of evil they're conniving their slide cats are on American dogs dogs big happy fluffy dogs golden retrievers Irish Setters something big and happy and affection okay husband when he comes out of the door to go to work how's he dressed Suit & Tie White Collar white color what does that mean in order to get a white collar job what do you have to have first an education they're pushing College they haven't pushed colleges part of the American dream before now they start and there's a reason for that okay so he's dressed what does Mom do does Mom go off to work too mom stays home and watches the kids she's a housewife in other words ladies thank you for your service now get your butts out of the factory so we can get the men back to work go home and raise kids the problem is a lot of women liked working a lot of women don't really see that domestic dream as something that they really want or maybe they don't want it right now maybe later but they like having their time be productive to do something that they consider valuable and constructive they like that no Are there women who are perfectly happy in fact Overjoyed with getting back in the family raising kids in the house doing the domestic things absolute there are women who thrive on that and more power to him but what about the women who want to work this is where the government has to come up with a new propaganda campaign Rosie the Riveter will become friends now up to this point in time secretaries typically were male in business but all of that changes after World War II the new stereotype they put out there is a mailbox and a female secretary that becomes the new standard women are encouraged to learn how to type to take dictation with you know being a doing short-hand and stuff like that be very organized and and whatnot this is what they're encouraged to do but notice it's still a subservient role men are the important ones women are serving them helping them to succeed help me kind of mug what there is now a path to legitimate recognized employment this is something that women are not stigmatized you can be a middle class woman who goes to work if she wants to she doesn't have to but you can and it's no longer socially ground upon it's just she wants to be active this is giving rise to the women's movement that's coming the big activism of women in the '60s and '70s has its roots with Rosie the Riveter and the discontent after they get out of their job and be told go back into the home start punching out kids producing please okay so the posterior American Dream what is it really what does all of this mean for the people all of a sudden you have an ideal of what it means to be a good patriotic nationalistic American you go get a job preferably White Collar but get a job get married have kids buy a house buying a house fuels construction that creates jobs also once you buy the house what do you what else do you have to buy exactly you have to put you have to buy all the stuff that you stick in the house whether it's furniture or appliances a new vacuum for the long wall carpet whatever and then when you open up the refrigerator for the American dream it's completely packed full of food right no empty refrigerators in the Americans tons of food lots of variety so here people are saying I don't want to have steak today I think I'll have to whereas back in the depression they're going I wonder when we're going to eat next big change and people are seeing the American dream actually being something within reach and it is that's the best part of it it is Within Reach at least if some people okay why the push they need to convince Americans to keep spending money the big problem of the 1930s is that they lost their confidence in the system and so instead of spending money actively like the ordinarily would when you spend money what does that do you buy something a company does better they sell enough stuff they start hiring more people that means more jobs and those people are making money and they're spending more of it and that creates more jobs and the economy gets better well you get that feeling of how everything is kind of spinning up and the more it works the better everybody does well what happens when everybody says I might need that money for a rainy day and if I send it now I can be like those people out on the street who don't have homes so instead of spending their money really like they were before instead of consuming they take their money and they stick it in the mattress they're putting a little cubby hole they stash it they don't put it in the bank because the banks are folding thanks system was going under in the 30s that was a long hard road to recovery but then even after they fixed the bank and convince people okay you can start putting your money back in they're still not spending it they're concerning it they're being very very frugal and stingy on how they spend their money even when they have it and they're in lies the real problem when you don't spend money the company can't sell products the company can't sell products they laid people off that means fewer people are making money and suddenly more companies are losing money more companies are laying off and that creates a downward spiral it just Cascades on itself that's how the depression became so bad it just was one thing after another collapsing World War II speaks to avoid this in the aftermath the US government will use the American dream deliberately to prevent that from happening to keep people spending keep their confidence eyes hey things are great things are stable they're working now and they sell them on that and America bison Hook Line Anderson one to two cars after all car for Dad car for mom mom needs a cartoon why well the automotive industry wants you to buy two instead of one that's double the sale makes sense right you can convince people hey your wife needs a car too yeah you're right one to two kids kids all of you are moving toward that direction of having kids some of you might even have them already let me tell you something people I hope your finances are in place because kids are pricey you got to spend money on them diapers cost money cleaning stuff cost money the stuff they destroy has to be replaced all of that and you have to buy a new clothes every 3 to 6 months because they're growing so fast it's expensive to raise kids and for consumerism that's great have kids lots of kids because you have to spend money on simulation economy also this whole idea of being a homeowner being somebody who's possesses the American dream you're a homeowner a lot of these homes haven't been built yet this is creating a construction industry like America has never seen before they build those suburbs All Over America within just a few years construction jobs are good for decades it's not until the 70s where the construction industry kind of falls down a little bit when we have another reception there but for years and years the construction industry is booming if you get into Construction in the 40s you're going to retire well you can make a really really good living so buy your own home in order to make this happen they also Target veterans in a number of things first of all one big problem afterwards is when the veterans all come back there's not enough jobs for them all so there were returning to an economy that slowing down and suddenly they're saying I spend all my time over there sacrificing and gave up a good job and what am I getting out of it unemployment that sucks you don't have that why because of a couple key things first ball they were creating jobs for the blue collar workers who weren't really all that enamored was going to call it there's the bookish kind of people who want to go to college and there's people who aren't people like being outside and working with their hands they're physical people go to the construction industry tons of jobs the other people how do you get them into college well this is where the government was truly these they came up with something called the GI Bill of Rights after people start coming home they're giving this piece of paper as they're being discharged for serving in the war hey thanks for your service now let me show you what you're going to get as a reward for helping your country out at the time of service we respect what you did we value what you did and we want you to benefit from me so they give them the GI Bill of Rights one thing the GI bill is most known for is what anyone you guys know what the GI Bill does okay if you get into the service and you stay in for x amount of time they will pay some if not all of your college one tour of Duty will pay for roughly half you do two tours which a lot of these people back everybody qualifies if you are wartime because it's double crap when you are in war it's like you're serving twice that amount when it comes to the GI bill so as all of these guys are coming out they're saying wait a minute are you saying that don't pay my entire college education for free yep all you got to do is qualify and go the American dream suddenly is in viewport but what else does it do all those people who are getting out of the service and then instead of going to work they're going to college no unemployment numbers these people are instead going to college and what are they going to college for science technology engineering and math stem this is where the US starts really emphasizing stem approach you heard from before this is a big thing with kids trying to get the kids who are more scientifically minded get him acted early and start developing it early here to focus on science Technology and Engineering well America knows that if that it's positioned in the world right now is because it is militarily strong coming out of a war going in they were weak coming out they are the strongest power on the planet with the possible exception of the Soviet Union now that being the case they want to stay on top that means they're going to have to develop new technology over time new types of aircraft are coming out Germany was coming out with Jeff before the end of the war America war books on yet so he's Union will focus on Jets and they will continually be pushing each other for better and better test Rockets Germany had the best rocket scientists in the world us got roughly half of them so many Union took the other half we had Nazis running our rocketry program and we basically said well they're not really Nazis and so we kept them out of the Nuremberg stuff but the truth is yeah they were burner Von Braun was a member of the Nazi party we didn't put him on trial for Nazis stuff because we needed him to run our rocket program he was argue please in the world we needed that if you think rockets by the way we're about going to the Moon they weren't the Rockets before Delivery Systems for nuclear weapons that's what we want in rocket technology for we covered it with other things and you know we found good use for Rockets along the way but satellites up sending people in the International Space Station putting people on the moon we've done all that but it was really about developing this technology okay another thing that happens when the veterans come home you've been overseas for four years fighting the enemy maybe you were in Europe maybe you were in the Pacific but wherever you were you have not spent any money you've been out in the field you've been carrying a rifle you've been flying places you've been doing more stuff you haven't been spending money you've been sleeping on the ground sleeping on a cot sleeping in a tent whatever you get home and you're out processing the first thing they do is say okay here's all your back pain and they hand you a stack of cash like this and you're going wow I wonder what I could spend this money on well funny thing about that GI bill of right here you know you talked about college you are really interested in college but there is something you might be interested in and some people love the idea of college but there is something else in the GI Bill of Rights that was very the Veterans Administration Loan program otherwise known as a VA loan a VA loan allows somebody who is in the service or is a veteran of the service to get a loan where the entire cost of the house including the closing costs is wrapped up in the loan you don't have to pay any money as a down payment at all no money at a pocket all you need is a good job I can do that get a job buy a house and you know that big stack of cash that's burning a hole in their pocket well now they got something to spend it on furniture appliances stuff for inside the house so there's spending it and going after that American dream and the GI Bill and Powers them to do it so the soldiers are really being taken care of but what about the civilians well they are too housing values were a little bit sketchy they weren't quite sure how much property was really worth and the Foreclosure rate for really high so Banks didn't really want to loan money during this period if they should program did not take off but after World War 2 the FHA program which allows people to buy a house not for no money down before a relatively minimal down payment only about 3% you come in with 3% of the purchase price and most people were used to coming in with 20 at that point you had to put 20% down before they give you a loan well now 3% all of a sudden a whole lot more people can buy buy home and so home sales really Skyrock and so as these suburbs are building up and up and up people are buying up those houses before they're even finished they're ready to move in now something about the American dream when you envision the people who are coming out of that house Dad Mom the kids Foot Race on it the American dream is a white dream does that mean the minorities can not take part in the street no they can't they just have a few more hurdles jump over the hurdles have been cleared away for the white people they got a straight line to the American dream the line that minorities have to take is a little bit more difficult but still achievable one thing where you start seeing some institutionalized racism come out is with the FHA program now we talked a bit about the FHA program back when we were talking about race but let's go over again FHA in order to get the best rates they had ABC and D Loans the best interest rates the lowest interest rates were for the alums that means you can get your payment as low as possible and buy as much house as you can and because of that FHA said well they grade the homes based on the neighborhood they're in and the qualifications of the bike so the buyer has to meet certain Financial things that crosses glass down doesn't it you can be African American and be making plenty enough money to buy a house not a problem you can have a good credit however they also grade the neighborhood based on the residents and this is where the racism comes in yep even one minority moves in on a block especially if it's an African American that is enough to immediately downgrade the entire neighborhood from A to B even if the homes are brand new suddenly it makes the neighborhood less desirable and so they're not willing to get the same interest rate it brings the home value down you see how this is an institutionalized racist racism thing is a lot of people even people who say you know I don't really like what's going on but I got to protect the home values of myself and the other so when they buy a house they have to sign a contract to purchase contract that says if you buy this house then you are agreeing when you sell the house later that you only sell it to a white family that process became known as Blockbuster the whole idea here is if you can sell only to white people that keeps the neighborhood values up and so there will be a lot of resistance in selling homes to African Americans unless the entire neighborhood is committing to being minority that's the only way they'll do it and then everybody's automatically in the beat category anyway okay so eventually this will go through the courts and the courts will say this is unconstitutional get rid of this provision and FHA will get rid of any kind of racialized neighborhood rating for and they will simply do it on a house by house based on its construction and its condition what takes the race out of it but or the 40s and 50s that was very much in play there really wasn't until the early 60s before that starts getting heavily challenged yeah yeah you can call it redlining and it's also called white flight because whatever what else happens here is the whites really everybody lived together in the Inner City they have their different neighborhood but they were all in the urban center and when the lights start moving up to the suburb into the resistance being able to buy out there the white move out in force leaving all the minorities back into town now what's the effect of that all the minorities are there but who controls the city government the minorities whites do and so all of a sudden things like fixing the potholes placing the street lights mowing the lawn of the local park all of those things that were expected by the whites now start sliding to the crap well we don't really have money to put the street repair work we're worried about our police forces right now so they build up the police forces and things like going in the potholes gets pushed out three four five years and then replacing burnt out street lights half of them might be burned out before they start replacing any of them that becomes a real problem this gives rise to Urban Decay and this neglected is a reflection of a racist mind this is something that is an after effect called also in a lot of cities even places where segregation isn't really the law of the land that's common down in the South but what about in places like New York Los Angeles Chicago this deal with LA because you guys are familiar with LA it's close right if you go into East LA you're going to see a neighborhood that is predominately Mexican you go into South Central Los Angeles you're going to see a neighborhood that it's predominantly African American you go into an area of North Central Los Angeles downtown and you're going to move into Little Tokyo you go out into the wheel shot the Wilshire and Fairfax District and you're going to see Koreatown you go up into the La Brea area and you're going to see the Jewish Enclave in other words this creates ghettoization and it's not just Los Angeles this happens it happens in all the major cities where these policies are in place because whites are moving out of the city all of a sudden new ones start encouraging people from certain races to congregate there self segregation starts to happen and part of it is government manipulation they are manipulating it for instance okay the Urban Decay and the higher minority jobless rates compared to White to have virtually no unemployment at all by the 1960s the unemployment rate in South Central Los Angeles after the closure of all the wartime plants will go up as high as 25% when whites are having unemployment rate of about two and a half percent he's the difference this is what leads to the Watts Riots the Urban Decay The Rising presence of police the incredible rise of police brutality the increasing poverty in those neighborhoods is leading to more and more racial tensions that are starting to really act out that will lead them Civil Rights Movement is healing okay so that's the American dream now let's come back to the idea of the boogie even before the end of the war before the war was over they knew that they're aligned to be anywhere it's a lions of convenience only they don't have the same ideas ideologies they don't share the same vision communism versus capitalism that's going to be a big key and the American dream is a capitalist stream the American wants its economy to keep going the last thing they want is a bunch of commies coming in telling them how to change everything and how this isn't going to work they don't want a counter message to the one that they're selling keep that in mind before the war was ever over the United States was already engaging in something that will become known as atomic diplomacy why do we drop the atomic bombs on Japan some people say well it's so that we can save soldiers live the invasions were costly okay the invasions were costly but the truth is we didn't have to invade Japan at the Potsdam Conference that last big Conference of the big three Britain the United States and Soviet Union they were making plans for how they were going to attack Japan well at that conference Because cousin of Hirohito the emperor of Japan attended he was a prince in the royal family and a trusted Confidant of the emperor and he's also outside of the political system he's a royal he came to Potsdam and was requesting repeatedly and audience was Truman so that he can start negotiating the end of the war they were coming to the peace table they were out of supplies they were out of people and Tokyo had been getting Fireball det29 were just peppering Fireball they were dropping Napalm all over why the terrorize them killed over 300,000 people in the in the fire bombing of Tokyo believe it or not more people died in the fireballing then died in the atomic explosion at either of those other things that combined so do we really have to drop off you droppedia okay some people can say well yeah we had to drop on her ocean but we needed to show them we were going to be in charge of negotiation so some people can justify Hiroshima but the Japanese were coming to the table and asking for negotiations 3 days later we dropped on Nagasaki did we need to what was the message wasn't meant for Japan what are the atomic bombs really meant for Japan no this was a communication with the Soviet Union saying don't process but there are also other political things involved for one thing the Manhattan Project that was the project to develop nuclear weapons during World War 2 and it cost fully 110th of the entire War budget just to develop nuclear 110th of all of the war by just the World War 2 that was a massively expensive water so that can show you just how much money you spend on them well if they hadn't dropped a nuclear weapon or two on after war is over and they start doing the accounting and they're saying you paid how much for this program what did we get out of it where did that money go and people would be held accountable now they have not one but two very visible demonstrations of what that money went for big big super box which by today's standard would be tiny in the world those moms would be called small tactical levels I give you an idea how big the bottom car now okay so we needed a reason to justify the Manhattan Project but still one bomb would have done that what is coupons prove them we have more than one and this can just keep on going if you drop one and then drop two the implication is we've got a whole bunch more and if you want to keep going with this we'll keep cranking them out truth is Nagasaki was our last song we didn't have anymore after that now we will eventually develop but we were out of bomb stuff we had enough to make three tests and the two that we brought that's it but the implications yeah the Nagasaki bomb well it's not that they were afraid of it pre-driggering so the trigger had to be put into place in Flight the real danger there though was that there were a couple really technical things and you know airplanes move around a bit but if you touch one part to another part they could actually cause the thing to start it's critical mass and basically debate the bomb on its weight Target and so this guy was the head nuclear engineer was the one doing all of this and when he got done his hands were suffering frostbite because it's so cold but he couldn't wear gloves because he needed to and he has scraped himself and cut himself all up afterward his hands off bloody and everything and he's got bandages wrapped around all his fingers but he got the thing in he did it right but yeah it was it did have to go through a final assembly on the group thing because they didn't want it to detention center yeah yeah that was changed the other thing is they wanted to make sure that there was no cracks on takeoff and that was the other thing when b29 crashed it was typically on Facebook that's what they have their most problems so if they could get off the ground then it was safe to start putting bomb here that's what they did okay following World War 2 tensions between Soviet Union the United States continue to ramp up the Soviet Union was not leaving Eastern Europe there were basically absorbing and they were starting to expand we had a showdown over Germany they control the eastern half the Western Powers led by the United States controller but Berlin is in the eastern end and the Soviet Union wanted Berlin the capital completely in their hands and they tried to blockade it the United States however had a treaty with them that no access to it and so well it's so heating cut off the railroad the United States who planes in and dared the Soviet Union if you shoot him down they kept us up for over a year to supply the city by air is one of the most incredible airlift operations in the history maybe name of Two Brothers operation Berlin Airlift Rose because the Soviet Union clearly was showing themselves between the bad guy trying to starve out of city like that is not a sign that you're working in their best thing and then Soviet Union will respond by invading Slovakia in 1947 the United States showed its pleasure by staging a nuclear weapons affects test in the south Mississippi basically they took all of our obsolete Navy ships from World War 2 and the entire Imperial Japanese maybe Fleet and put them all at anger at the Indian bowl and then they proceeded to Rock 2 because one right after another now do they know that the weapons work of course both of them are Nagasaki style box same design but we're testing out what will happen if this s*** get hit with them what will happen to the shift come on it doesn't take a rocket science or a nuclear site that if the nuclear weapon goes off in the Sleep everybody dies are still going to die nobody lives what is the real purpose of that they're showing this their displeasure of what the Soviet Union is doing and it is over threat you keep this up you're going to be next all of that will last until something changes in 1949 there are a lot changes in the world their first nuclear weather all of a sudden we aren't the only ones who got now the Soviets got them too and this turns into an exchange of atomic diplomacy on both side they should off West we should off weapons they shoot off weapons we shoot up figure weapons viet union pay son weapon in the Euros you may get time that is the biggest weapon that's ever been detonated on the planet and that area of the Ural Mountains where that weapon went off it's still hot today still very radioactive there is the transition Highway and in the area where they come even remotely close to the the place they're still for the next 50 miles drive as fast as you can it tells you to floor your Noble was the biggest radioactive accident basically a nuclear plant in what is taking cream so he needed to find had a full meltdown not just the radiation leak but they're entire core went Radioactive in a blew up Chernobyl is now so Radioactive that you can't really go there for any length of time now over the years they've been able to contain a lot of the radiation and they've created this big super structure over where the bomb went off to help keep the surrounding area less radioactive so you can go out there and work for a stretch of time but you can't live there period And it continues to a radiate the Volga River which feeds the city of PF birth defection cancer rate Skyrocket into Ukraine because of that your Nobles OK Google I mean we had to spend a huge amounts of money so obvious weren't put together a bigger program not like that not like we did we're going okay that weapon sure looked a lot like Nagasaki last is identical yield is identical I wonder where they got that information let me think bye they know it they knew they had spies some Manhattan Project so they started doing the Spy hunt and eventually they came up with who delivered through the material lover they know that two scientists had passed on information one of them might kept secret because they didn't want to reveal how they found out about truth is we were reading the Russians coded mail and we didn't want the Russians know that we had broken that post because that was prompt them to change it we got to break that one too so we didn't reveal the name of one of them but we let take care of the other ones and the British scientist pop students they put them on Trials into sent prison for 9 years however the person who let the people who actually passed on the secret to the Soviets was a little Eastern European couple Russians this is convenient to the dialogue time who were passing on secrets too the Soviet Union and their names now for a long time people thought that Julia's been Ethel Rosenberg were simply Patsy that they were set up by the government and yeah when the Soviet Union collapsed we got into some of the kgbt files they opened them up for us they did it they really were the ones who gave up well they were put on trial for Espionage during a time of War they were found guilty and they were executed but involvement and the fact that Soviet Union was stealing weapons that played into the hole would be man concept we've got the Boogeyman in that game after the buggy man in this country wow if they invaded the Manhattan Project nothing is here we need to get rid of the Communist in this country let's get rid of them all so they go on the second major red scarf in America the biggest one different things from McCarthy Cara McCarthyism does anybody know who they were going after did they go after the leaders of the Communist part nope did they go after union leaders like they did in World War One no but they go out what's that that they were added on later but that's not who they went after it who are they going to not exactly here it is it went after Hollywood understand what they've learned in their time in the last 20 years propaganda the power they're not trying to kill the Messenger they're trying to kill the message they don't care about the Communist Party in America they care about it publicity propaganda is what they want to control and so they Target Hollywood they want to kill the message now during this period of time it is a joint House and Senate Congressional hunt okay you have Senator McCarthy who's leading the whole thing but the house on American activities is really the one that's running the thrive and among those things that they're doing they're bringing in people from Hollywood directors producers writers and question him at length and getting people to name names so that they can bring up other people this is enough to ruin your career just put on a blacklist you can't get his job anymore a lot of people do lose their careers second question is it your right to be a communist if you want Constitution so they are actually violating the Constitution but they're trying to root out on the stupid station to prepare the message what they don't want is the Communist message competing with the American dream sales fish they're coming out capitalism being ruined by communist so they're friends make the Communist bad guys and go out couple interesting people rise prominence on the national scene because of this there was a young energetic very dedicated congressman who really makes a name for himself he is sort of McCarthy's right hand man in the house his name Congressman Richard Milhouse Richard Nixon this is how he runs his National promise okay another person who becomes very well appointed the head of the Screen Actor skills for those of you don't know what the Screen Actors field is this is basically the union for all Hollywood actors and actresses if you want to act in a movie you have to be a member of The Screen Actors too they won't hire you otherwise so this is their Union in the head of that Union was giving names he was selling out the people who were members in other words it's his job to protect his members instead he's selling them out he's passing names to the house on American Avenue he will ultimately testify himself his name Ronald Reagan this is what month California who want to have two of the three largest landslides in the history of America the only one who beat him Washington only got it okay has the US government emerged in the Cold War and this new fascination with nuclear weapons was taking people other things start happening all sorts of different products start using new technological scenes associated with advances in the Cold War start getting rocket pins they start getting wings like Jets they start looking at your points the cars 350s are pretty distinct number you guys seen 50 stars they're kind of cool they're different design than any other generation they're interested and the reason is because they're being affected by this cold war mindset also Atomic technology starts in getting introduced into water products and do that end I want to talk about some of the things that I want to show you something that we've been talking about here all right okay let's take a look at the American dream in action here Chevy is selling a new station web be by that dad and son getting up okay maybe they working PJ they probably be in like shirts and jeans or something but okay so clearly straight out of bed I'll buy that part what about this she said a hairdo that would take her 45 minutes in front of a mirror put together in a bathroom with electricity this outfit you ever see a woman dress like that in a camping trip no this is not believable but the whole message here is with this with this you can bring your civilization with me you're still sophisticated we can still have the creature company look she's still got the coffee pot the eggs home full domestic cape songs the very capable mom it was very capable station that's the message oh little short for being here but okay now let's take a look at this one this one is the top end of the American dream do they have that Big White House they don't just have a white house they have the White House look at that thing tell me that that doesn't look like the White House the only thing is missing is that little area right there with that little thing that comes out like that you take off the rest there's The West Wing right there they got White House okay so this guy is clearly up here so this is a car of a Fortune 500 CEO this is a car of the elite Arian idea of blonde hair if you can look close enough you probably have blue eyes now they're supposed to have two kids right only one kid in this one only one kid in Paris all of this but notice that you can't tell if a boy or a girl that's how they get away with it yeah big fluffy dog they might not know they might only have one kid if they got two dogs okay and they're not just little dogs they're great danes they don't get me bigger than that these things are basically horses that little kids can ride around these things are here good luck with great dangerous you see those things unload man you need a dump truck okay now let's take a look at this one the American dream in action okay what do they tell people get married buy a house buy a car right that's the progression they got married now they're buying the car we need a new car but hey we're a little strap for cash well that's okay think you're just said oh Pick Your Price maybe you're just getting started out like that you can go for a cheaper model maybe you have more money you can buy one of the nicer ones like this one pick your DeSoto take your price no we have something for everyone I love this one because the advertisers did not think this through okay let's take a look at this one first of all big white house with the house that you were envisioning kind of look like that Jordan okay you got that go on out front big floppy dog check they floppy dog We're The Kids here my kid that means dad now has time to enjoy the fruits of all the years of his work this is Dad's time and this is Dad's car this is Dad's fun car Dad's going out to have fun in his car it is fun car here meanwhile who's showing up the milkman 's not down the kitchen and who's showing up that's going out to have his fun mom staying in to have her fun oh yeah they didn't really think that was true how long is technology ideas you can use it in many different ways the four nucleon 1958 a prototype car nuclear power but for some reason they just didn't get the government to loan them a nuclear reactor to test it out gee I can't imagine why the Radioactive life by the way you don't want to use them unless of course you enjoy cervical cancer and uterine cancer testicular cancer movie toys Atomic toys yourself this is a stem kit project build your own Geiger County here's a nuclear test kit it actually came with uranium 238 yeah really good comic book how did Spider-man become Spider-Man radioactive spider okay so you get some ideas of some of the ways all these ideas have practice American culture all right see you on Wednesday have a good one