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Writing Entry #1

What's the difference between thoughts and memories?

Thoughts to me are a sort of form of processing, whether that's a voice in my head reading out loud what i'm reading in text, or whether im trying to process a scene in a prompt, or so on. However, memories to me is sort of like trying to call back on a bank of "past thoughts" I've had previously, whether its recalling an image, thinking of what I read in the past, or anything else I want to remember. The main difference between thoughts and memories to me is just that one is processed and created in the moment, while the latter is an old bundle of thoughts i recall from a "memory bank".

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What does a dream and your imagination have in common?

In my imagination, I mix what I currently sense visually and auditorily, and old thoughts I pull out from my memories to try and create something new. In my dreams, they purely merge and pull from only my old thoughts and memories. Both my dreams and my imagination are the same processes, or at least work very similarly.

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What goes on in the mind when we watch TV programs compared to when we read books?

When I watch videos, my mind takes a back seat in imagination and only focuses on processing what's happening visually, as well as what people are saying. However when I read a book, my mind and imagination are working together to try and create a sort of "scene" to visualize in my own head. Reading a book gives us freedom to process a lot more of what goes on and interpret and "improvise" the details we focus on when we usually watch a video or show.

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For every question white at least 3 sentences or more, plus at least 3 drawings/doodles or more