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will be coding in C++

4 homework asignments = 200 points (50 each) lecture attendance = 50 points (2points/day) 10 Lab assignments = 300 (30 points each) midterm = 100 points final = 200 points

Week 1 Introduction to c++ (ch1) Week 2 Fundemental data types, variables, strings (ch2) Week 3+4 Control flow: if-else/loops (ch3) Week 5 Function/procedures (ch4) Week 6+7 Classes (ch5) Week 8 Midterm: Monday October 5, 1730-1845 Week 8+9 Arrays and vectors, algorithms (ch6) Week 10 Pointers (ch7) Week 11 Inheritance and Polymorphism (ch8) Week 12 Reading, Writing files, Streams (ch9) Week 13+14 Recursion (ch10) + Templates (ch16) Week 15 Templates, Review Finals Week Final Exam: Wednesday December 7, 1730-1930

CSE 2010

  • Section 12 - SI Session: Tues/Thurs 5:00p-5:50p (In-Person: CE-109) - SI Leader: Kevin Evans (contact)